"Lost and Found" Department

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gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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"Lost and Found" Department

Good Morning All,

A little bit ago (about 30 minutes), I decided to pull down some boxes to see just what I had placed in them.
To my surprise I found my 3.5 inch Super-drive (with the Controller Card) and an AE RGB Card.

Now these boxes have been up on the shelf for at least a year and I have not touched them.
I think there were several other software items that were there too that I forgot I had.

I know that I'm not the only one who puts things away and then forgets that he's got them stored.

This thread could be a place where everyone can tell their "Holy Smokes! Here it is!" stories.

We all have them, why not share them?

Steven Smile

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Re: "Lost and Found" Department

I had a great one about Synergistic Software's Planetary Guide and many other "lesser" stories about other Apple II series hardware. I'll make it a point to tell them here soon.

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Re: "Lost and Found" Department

I also had a homemade numeric keypad for the iie I had made back in the day.

When I sold most of my iie stuff during the middle 90's I thought I sold everything. I was wrong.

Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Re: "Lost and Found" Department

I retold this event on the Open-Apple #35 podcast.

Due to some crazy conditions, I was living with my aunt, uncle and cousins in the Chicago area during my early teen years.

I also must confess, my first computer was actually an Altair. My uncle and I went in on it together but it didn't take long for me to realize it wasn't the computer I really wanted. I had learned about a newer machine that came assembled in a nice case, and that could be hooked up to a color TV! COLOR?! I had to have it. So, after a lot of scrounging, saving, odd jobs... I bought the Apple II. I loved it - like most enthusiasts, it changed my life forever and I'm positive it set me on a different path than I would have taken otherwise.

Time went by. I had a lot of fun and learned a great deal on my Apple II. The time came however for me to return home. The Apple IIe had just come out, and I was planning to get one very soon when I got home. So my uncle and I made an arrangement that he'd get to keep the original Apple II (he had long since ditched the Altair) with the understanding that I might want it back someday.

Years of Apple II good times go by. As planned, I had bought that Apple IIe (loved it) when I got home. Eventually changed over to a //c when my space became constrained (loved it). Then, Apple began screwing with Apple II users and it seemed the writing was on the wall... the Apple II was going to die. I decided to go MS-DOS and swore I'd never buy a Mac or use another Apple product as long as I lived.

More years go by. I've learned to enjoy the PC world and all it had to offer. My first serious gig is in IT. Computer and networking knowledge open doors for me, whereas without that, I'd be flipping burgers or pumping gas.

One day in 1996, I'm looking at some random web site when I tripped across the emulator AppleWin. Nostalgia ensued and suddenly, I was interested in the Apple II all over again. It wasn't long until I was jonesing for my first Apple, so I called my relatives to make arrangements to get it back.

But my uncle couldn't find it. Since leaving my Apple with them, they had moved from Chicago to Iowa to Missouri and my uncle thought it was lost at some point in the moves. My aunt later recalled donating it but couldn't remember to who - but was pretty sure it was before the Chicago move. She wasn't aware of my arrangement with my uncle.

Sooo disappointed - but I moved on. More years go by...

The church my relatives attended years prior is cleaning out their basement to get ready for a remodel when they come across a box with my uncle's name on it (and mine). Inside is an old Apple II -- not sure what to do with it, they contact my uncle (who had stayed in contact with many of their old friends there) and he has it shipped to me. After almost 23 YEARS, my original Apple II came home.

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Joined: Oct 4 2005 - 18:52
Posts: 2629
Re: "Lost and Found" Department

I retold this event on the Open-Apple #35 podcast.


Yes. You most certainly did. lol
I listened to it intently.

Steven Smile

volvo242gt's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Posts: 25
Re: "Lost and Found" Department

Found a XEBEC interface card for my old Sider hard drive sandwiched between the filing cabinet drawer and the wall of the filing cabinet that sits next to my desk, still in its anti-static bag. Lost it in 2005. Found it last fall.

More recently, came across a M0116 keyboard while cleaning out the garage. Alas, when I grabbed it to take it upstairs and test it, it slid out of my hand and landed face down on the concrete floor. RIP keyboard.


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