ADTPro with Apple //e Card

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Joined: Oct 26 2013 - 16:14
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ADTPro with Apple //e Card

Hi All,

I've been trying to get ADTPro working on a Mac Quadra 605 for the past several nights without (complete) success.

The ADTPro server software in installed on a typical desktop PC with a PCIe Serial Card, and the null modem cable was purchased from Retrofloppy. I have used this setup with an Apple IIgs and had no problems whatsoever with ADTPro. However, when I replaced the IIgs with a Quadra 605, problems started.

First of all, I'm following the ADTPro instructions for the //e card exactly. What I can do successfully is bootstrap ProDOS, followed by ADTPro client. However whenever I try to (d)ir or(r)eceive a file all I get is a server timeout. Bootstrapping speediboot always fails (system hangs) while loading MLI.

I have tried every combination of parameters in the options of both server and client and cannot successfully send files from server to client after bootstrap. I was beginning to think it was something specific with the Quadra, but then I popped the same //e card into an LC III and had exactly the same problems.

So I am just curious if anyone out there has connected a Mac LC & //e card to an ADTPro server successfully.

Interestingly, the ADTPro page shows the server being installed on a Mac, which I intend to try when I can get my hands on a USB serial adapter.

I really appreciate any thoughts on this, thanks!! -k

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: Apr 10 2006 - 20:01
Posts: 1013
Re: ADTPro with Apple //e Card

While the physical IIgs can handle the 115.2kbps speed setting, the LC IIe card can't. Have you shifted both client and server down to 19200?

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: Oct 26 2013 - 16:14
Posts: 25
Re: ADTPro with Apple //e Card

Yes, I have. However, with the ADTPro client on the //e card, I am not able to switch down to 19200 - it is not an option on SSC 2. Switching to "Generic Port 2" @ 19200 is an option, but does not work.

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