Apple IIe platinum boot help

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Apple IIe platinum boot help

G'day everyone,
I got given a platinum IIe but when I connect it up to boot all I get is colored square's on screen.
I've also noticed one of the motherboard L.E.D'S next to the text CR2 don't light up.

also I have an original working IIe. can some parts from this be used to test things or are the mother boards totally different.
The original has PAL on the board while the platinum has International NTSC.
thanks hope someone can help me get this going. Dirol

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Re: Apple IIe platinum boot help

Hello Bazza,
before changing chips some hints:
check correct seating of CPU ( at location C4 )and EF-ROM ( at location E10 ), pull IC´s check for straight legs (no legs bent under chip )
and reseat chips carefully and correct orientation in their sockets!
If problen still exists try change of CPU.
recognize that several Chips in IIe PAL-version are not same like in IIe NTSC-version !
this is valid to: VideoROM, HALchip, IOU Chip !
Please also note that there are diferences in ROM´s depending to different language versions.
Mixing such Chips is not good idea ! For correct sets of ROM´s and chips check table at:

please also recognize different ROM-versions between unenhanced and enhanced versions of the IIe and know that
it´s also bad idea mixing Rom´s from unenhanced with enhanced version ( resulting to unpredictable crashes ) !

sincerely speedyG

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Re: Apple IIe platinum boot help

Hello Bazza,
before changing chips some hints:
check correct seating of CPU ( at location C4 )and EF-ROM ( at location E10 ), pull IC´s check for straight legs (no legs bent under chip )
and reseat chips carefully and correct orientation in their sockets!
If problen still exists try change of CPU.
recognize that several Chips in IIe PAL-version are not same like in IIe NTSC-version !
this is valid to: VideoROM, HALchip, IOU Chip !
Please also note that there are diferences in ROM´s depending to different language versions.
Mixing such Chips is not good idea ! For correct sets of ROM´s and chips check table at:

please also recognize different ROM-versions between unenhanced and enhanced versions of the IIe and know that
it´s also bad idea mixing Rom´s from unenhanced with enhanced version ( resulting to unpredictable crashes ) !

sincerely speedyG

G'day I did all that then I went and bought a new cpu chip and put that in.
booted it up still doing the same thing in that one of the leds on the main board aren't
lighting up I even tried swapping power supply's still no difference. all I get through the monitor is frozen white squares top to bottom of the screen like a chess board with a clicking sound coming out the speaker.
hope this explains better. Dirol

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Re: Apple IIe platinum boot help

Hello Bazza,
there are 2 leading symptoms to trace:
the bad displav can be caused by bad RAMchip or by bad Character ROM ( located besides the RAM )
but that ticking noise.... are you sure it´s from the speaker and not from the PSU ???
usually the ticking noise won´t be from the speaker but rather often from the PSU - and if that validates -
that will indicate a shortcut or a damaged chip causing a shortcut.... because the ticking would be from the PSU switching on ( trying to start ) and then shuting off repeatingly as result from detecting the shortcut....
if any chip is getting wierd hot it´s suspected to be faulty....
sincerely speedyG

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Re: Apple IIe platinum boot help

Hello Bazza,
there are 2 leading symptoms to trace:
the bad displav can be caused by bad RAMchip or by bad Character ROM ( located besides the RAM )
but that ticking noise.... are you sure it´s from the speaker and not from the PSU ???
usually the ticking noise won´t be from the speaker but rather often from the PSU - and if that validates -
that will indicate a shortcut or a damaged chip causing a shortcut.... because the ticking would be from the PSU switching on ( trying to start ) and then shuting off repeatingly as result from detecting the shortcut....
if any chip is getting wierd hot it´s suspected to be faulty....
sincerely speedyG

G'day again,
yeah I thought that too but about the PSU,
but it does it to the other psu from my other working IIe.
I've listened and its definitely coming out the speaker.
can I swap the Character ROM with the one from the other IIe or are they incompatible.
also why is the motherboard led out,
not the one near the power supply as its working,
the other one.
thanks Dirol

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Re: Apple IIe platinum boot help

Hello Bazza,
well first the answer to the question: that LED only lits up when Boot is completed and CPU starts listening to commands...
check out the numbers of the ROMs with the listing displayed in the table of my website...
i´ve given the link above... it is really important to make proof that different versions have not been mixed....
please remember this is a used unit and you don´t know what kind of faults may have been executed in earlier repairattempts....
you should checkout every ROM in the list.... within the list there is also listed which Character ROM is for
which language set....
again... if you have the same trouble with another PSU from other unit and CPU has been changed it gets more and
more reasonable that you have a shortcut somewhere in the board or in one of the chips..... check also, that slots are "clean" and no wires or rests of lead inside at the bottom ....
if possible ... take a hires picture of the entire board with good light and good focus and set here link to the picture....
maybe i can see something wrong in the picture ...

sincerely speedyG

Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 21
Re: Apple IIe platinum boot help

Hello Bazza,
well first the answer to the question: that LED only lits up when Boot is completed and CPU starts listening to commands...
check out the numbers of the ROMs with the listing displayed in the table of my website...
i´ve given the link above... it is really important to make proof that different versions have not been mixed....
please remember this is a used unit and you don´t know what kind of faults may have been executed in earlier repairattempts....
you should checkout every ROM in the list.... within the list there is also listed which Character ROM is for
which language set....
again... if you have the same trouble with another PSU from other unit and CPU has been changed it gets more and
more reasonable that you have a shortcut somewhere in the board or in one of the chips..... check also, that slots are "clean" and no wires or rests of lead inside at the bottom ....
if possible ... take a hires picture of the entire board with good light and good focus and set here link to the picture....
maybe i can see something wrong in the picture ...

sincerely speedyG

here's some close ups of the board, just click on them to make bigger. Dirol

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Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: Nov 16 2011 - 07:45
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Re: Apple IIe platinum boot help

Hello Bazza,
commented picture availiable at:
sincerely speedyG

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