Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.

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Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.

We seem to have mutated the Apple II Rev 0 eBay thread into more of a general Apple II for sale on eBay (who knows maybe if we left it alone we have some Craigslist stuff added)

Lets use this thread to discuss sightings and putchases of Apple II, non plus machines, for sale. Also any identifying information we can scrape together would also help identify what is original in a system. It will make it easier for people searching the old messages in the future to find a single thread with information.

So to begin this thread...

What we know about Identifying a Rev-0 machine so far

Black and white case serial number sticker (rev 4 and higher have a large red sticker instead indicating ser # and ram config) Dark brown base plate. Later Apple II were dark grey. All Apple II cases have large splatter pattern. Extra nubs in case top underneath. Apple II plus later cases have a smaller splatter pattern and eventually extra holes.

Early ones (ser# 600 ??? or less case) have a silver power supply with a toggle switch and a silk screened logo. A white and black serial number sticker is on the side close to the front.

Early cases to about September have no vents and a poor paint job. They to distort in shape and have distinctive file marks from Dan Kottke where the keyboards were binding.

Early Rev 0 motherboards have a light colored edge connectors with ears. Later are dark colored with ears (stopped after rev 4)

Rev 0 motherboards were till about ser#6000 after which Apple stopped numbering the boards and used the year and month of the board.

Rev 0 motherboards have no auto reset circuits and have a full prototyping section.

Rev 0 motherboards have no color killer transistor in the same line as the color adjust pot.

Rev 0 motherboards have a copyright date of 1977.

Power supplies on Apple II after the toggle switch were silver (part# A2M001) with a rocker switch and a serial number sticker on top (large red) until around serial #52000 when a new longer supply that had a better grounding system (part# 605-5701)

Keyboards on early Apple II have ivory colored letters on the keycaps with small printing on the special keys. By sept 1978 special keys got bigger lettering and the ivory color got whiter.

The ser # less than around 30k keyboards used black Datanetics keyswitches but with a raised power key indicator (just a cap it isn't a real key). After that the II still used datanetics switches at least through the high 60,000 serial numbers (Rev 4 MB)

The earliest keyboards did not have a stiffener on top and had an edge connector with an encoder on the top and a fastening with black fingered brackets. They stopped around serial number 2800-3000 and by March 1978 (MFR date not the sold date, some have bought machines in June of 1978 less than serial #3000) moved the encoder to the bottom right corner and added a stiffener on top. The attachment system was long brass threaded studs with riveted metal tubes. By September 1978, manufacturing had moved to a silver bracket that attaches to the case with small screws and new holes to attached the bracket to keyboard were added. Holes for the old metal tube/stud system were retained without the tubes (for retrofit when a keyboard went bad??). Sometime in 1979, the raised power indicator was replaced with a flatter one (not completly flush like a II plus because they used a fake datanetics keyswitch to hold it). They also moved to a separate encoder daughterboard. There was an early dark PCB and a later light colored PCB. Keyswitches became green sometime in 1979 with only special keys like reset and space bar as black.

Integer ROMs were standard. With two right most banks empty(D8,D0) An optional programmers aid rom can be located in the right most socket (D0).

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. If there are any corrections, please add them to the thread. Especially original owners who know the history so we can adjust dates and ser #s to more accurate ones.


(Edited to add power supply part numbers)

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Re: Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.

Early Rev 0 motherboards have a light colored edge connectors with ears. Later are dark colored with ears (stopped after rev 4)

I would also like to add that until recently I was under the impression that Rev 0 motherboards had light green (almost turquois)slots. This changed however when I saw a rev 0 parts motherboard on ebay with later dark green slots. It had all the correct rev 0 attributes such as the absence of a color killer transistor and the large proto section on the bottom right of the motherboard. The only irregularity was the traditional dark green slots, they looked exactly like the ones found on rev 3 motherboards.

I'm currently searching for the ebay listing but have yet to find it; it sold in the last few months for around $1200-1400. (Can't remember exactly how much)It was the one that was missing it's ROM's and the majority of it's RAM; among a few other chips.

If anyone remembers this don't hesitate to post a link...

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Re: Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.


It is this one

Rev.0 MB Dark Green slots

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Re: Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.

Yea that's the one. Thank you for posting it. It's the only one I've seen like it my self. It must have been built right before Apple transitioned to the next revision motherboards.

I went ahead and saved a few of the pictures from the auction, just so when the ebay ad is gone I have them.

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Re: Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.

FWIW, I have A2S1-1195 with board #1478. The power supply is bronze with a red Apple label and metal toggle switch. There seem to have been a number of combinations of features.

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Re: Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.

FWIW, I have A2S1-1195 with board #1478. The power supply is bronze with a red Apple label and metal toggle switch. There seem to have been a number of combinations of features.

Interesting, do you have any pictures you could share?

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Re: Apple II (pre-plus) Sale discussions.

It must have been built right before Apple transitioned to the next revision motherboards.

The dark green slots seems to have been used from 3.000 to 6.000 serial number on Revision 0.
So, half of the rev 0 production was with dark green slots.

The lowest rev 0 with dark green slots I saw was mine (#3188) and the second, this one on eBay (#3230):
Apple II rev 0 A2S1-3230
The guy took very bad pictures but you can notice the missing color killer transistor on the board.

The highest rev 0 serial I saw was (#5394):
Apple II rev 0 A2S1-5394

There's also another in the 3k range here:
Apple II rev 0 A2S1-3929

If someone already saw a rev 0 with light green slots with serial higher than 3.000 or with dark green slots with serial lower than 3.000, please, let us know.



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