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I did a quick internet search and could not find the post I was looking for. I once read a post where a integer rom card was damaged during shipping and the switch was broken in two. The post lead to them finding a switch from some internet website. It’s been years and now I can not find that post, nor can I remember where they got the switch.
I just recently sold an Andromeda 16k ram card on ebay that has the exact same switch the rom cards were equipped with. It was damaged similarly during shipping, and I would like to help the customer find a new switch.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Here is a pic of the switch; I will update this post when I get a pic of what it looks like broken.
Did you try searching the Digikey or Newark Electronics web sites?
I doubt you will find the exact part but there may be something close.
Or Mouser or Jameco? You're looking for a SPST toggle switch.
That particular switch is long out of production. Because of the unique pinout, there is nothing that matches that form factor that could be used as a direct plug in replacement. I did get an email from someone a year or two back that found a large quantity of NOS red toggle switches somewhere. I'll see if I can find out more about them.
Mike W.
Hello Mike,
Hopefully he/her still has some of those switches. If they are willing to sell one, would you please let me know?
Thank you,
He didn't get back to me, but I remembered that he said they were in Ohio, so I looked in the most logical place.
I'm not 100% sure that they are exact same switch.
Mike W.
If it isn't, it's Pretty Darn Close...
The Apple Switch has "C-H" on the Top, there are 4 Gold Contact Pins, in a Trapezoid orientation... This part, SF6TCX392 is Made by Cutler-Hammer and has 4 Gold Contact Pins in a Trapezoid orientation...
This also has ridges on the switch. I suspect it has CH on the flipside too. You can see raised spacers at the edges. This looks exactly like what is on my integer cards.
Oh that’s got to be the right switch! Thank you very much Mike. I’m glad I joined this site, you all have been very helpful.
Hopefully this thread helps out others in need of this old switch. I packed the card quite well and the switch still broke, it must be a delicate piece.
Thanks again.
I have a couple of them at the moment... as I recall, I found them at mendelson's (
Thanks Mike for finding some at electronicsurplus as well - those look identical.
Mouser has the Electroswitch T8201, which matches the part number on the side of my two, but they are pricey.
It appears they are listed as "Electroswitch T8201" (CH must've changed hands)
Digikey has a photo of them
I've only seem them at Mendleson's Tent at the Dayton Hamvention, and have never been able to find them in the store, or on their web site. So I'd try for the electronicsurplus version.
I'll be traveling through Cleveland in mid-April 2013, and would be happy to send them out for cost of switch plus postage.
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Mike Willegal wrote:
Hi Ralph,
Someone on Applefritter is asking about these, do you know if they are still available. Who has them?
MIke W.
Electroswitch shows that they have been discontinued - so when mouser runs out, that is most likely it for them. If someone picks up a batch, I could use 1, as I also have a firmware board with a busted switch. It's worth up to about $10 to me, no more.
Mike W.
I called Mendelson's, spoke with Eric, he's checking to see what they have.
I got the impression that have a floor with components that are saved from one Hamvention to the next.
Other sightings of similar products:
Digikey seems to still have them