Hi Folks,
I was browsing on ebay recently, and have found a product that seems interesting to use with my //c (non Rom 4, but do have upgrade chip to install)
Im tempted on purchasing this product on ebay, but before i do i would like to know if any board members have actually purchased this item from Bulgara and had it shipped to North America (more specifically im in canada) If you have i would like to know how the shipping went as well as how it performed on the apple ii (more specifically on a //c). It seems that i would need to create a cable to connect to the //c and would like to know the connection parts are readily available to create. Anyways any input on the product, seller, and shipping would be appreciated. Im also interested in their A2split product as well, any input on this item would also be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I was a beta tester on the HDDD - my main interest was making sure it was compatible with ADTPro. They were quick with shipping, and when they needed to update my firmware with the bugs they were fixing for me, they just sent another chip rather than wanting me to send their old one back. While not a transaction like yours, it is indicative to me that they don't want to inconvenience those that are doing them a favor (in real or monetary terms).
You can see my test reports and their responses here:
I'm also curious about this solution, I have been inclined to get th SVCD (http://www.spvhd.org/) for an "hd" solution, does anybody could comment on that?
I was sent an eval unit and helped do some testing on it.
The good news: the HDDD/A2 works exactly as advertised. The people behind Bootzero were responsive, shipped fast and 100% trustworthy when I dealt with them.
The bad news: the HDDD/A2 appears to be incompatible with the ZipChip -- or at least it was when I last tried it out. BZ is aware of the problem, and they may have a fix by now.
Also, the A2split is rather nice - it's an under-appreciated adapter IMO.
I saw it demonstrated at KansasFest - it's rather nice and when it's finally shipping, every IIc user is going to want one or two or four. My only comment is... 'get in line.' because it's going to be a long, excruciating wait. At least, it has been so far. Cedric could probably use some help.
I have a Smartport Virtual Hard Drive on order right now.
Was told by Cedric that it might be several months before it arrives.
I wrote him back and said no problem as I would be busy with other projects for te next several months anyway.
A very nice fellow to communicate with.
thanks for the feedback on the Hddd_A2 product, looks like i may just pull the trigger on purchasing this for the //c, anybody know if the creator(s) are on this board?
as for the hd solution (spvhd) now that is something i would want. what is the exact price, and where is this product's location?
The SPVD starts at 40€ and up to 90€, it comes from France. Mi thinkingon get ring the BASIC and add my own enclosure.
Here's the URL:
Two things...
It is not a "Purchase".
You are donating to keep Cedrics work afloat.
I believe there are 4 pricing options, each is described.
I got Option 4 "the Completed unit".
The price for a completed unit is 90 euros.
I donated substantially more, because I wanted to and had the funds to.
You may not want to do this.
You will want to use a convertor program (dollars to euros).
Another project you may want to follow is:
hey thanks for the link, that device looks very interesting, and it looks like it can be built by oneself also. i will have to look at it more closely. I like the direction he is going in though!
You can do the same thing with a PC or Mac instead of the board in the mean time:
The VDrive works over serial and Ethernet (though in the II version Ethernet really eats up a lot of memory, more than makes it practical). The server runs on Java. So if your device has both Java and Ethernet (or serial, but that's less likely) it's possible. So the Venn diagram doesn't really look great for a tablet plus an Apple II.
For a different direction altogether, there's this:
It can serve disk images to your Apple II via tablet and audio. Unfortunately, that solution rules out the IIc, though.