Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

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Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Hey All!,

My name is Darren Crawford I am 39 years old and I am a HUGE fan of the Apple ][,
infact my first computer back in 1984 was A Apple //e Clone (a Apco) over the last 4 years I a have begun collecting machines off
ebay and the such, and discovered ADTPro and have managed to get the entire asimov archive back on 5 1/4 floppies that i have also
aquired on ebay.

Can you nice folks point me in the right direction for more Apple ][ goodness? I already know about ADTPro, Applefritter (of course) and the Apple 2 use group.
Is there a official IRC channel? heck is there a way to get the APPLE ][ On IRC? how about a twitter client for the ][ now that would be interesting.
I don't have a ether/utherclient card cause i have not found any for sale yet. I am also on the CF3000 waiting list.
I am going to be launching my own Apple ][ Everything website in the near future.
Is there anyway easy way to feed a //e's composite out into a vga LCD monitor? I have tried to feed it into my composite capture card (hauugage 950q) with horrifying
results. ( wavy video), I would really like to get this clunky commodore 1702 monitor off my desk and replace it with a lcd.
Anyhow... cheers all..

Mr.Fix's picture
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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Welcome to the forum! I believe there has been some attempt to use a modern lcd monitor on a apple ii but since the modern lcds are higher khz than required you will need a converter that will reduce the khz back to 15khz. one simple way and on the relative cheap side of things is just get a lcd tv with rca video input. or you can use a lcd tft screen with a rca input which can be found on those portable dvd players albeit screen size is only up to 10" that i have found. I am currently searching for one in particular to be used for my //c which i will hardmount and make it flip open or close much like a laptop. noticed your name has canadian, where are you located?

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

This is a growing problem, replacing CRT with LCD, for classic computing.

Most modern displays don't have composite inputs anymore. And I'd like to see a cheap converter that can take composite and dump it to DVI/VGA/component/HDMI or whatever standard is in vogue nowadays.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Hey All!,

My name is Darren Crawford I am 39 years old and I am a HUGE fan of the Apple ][,
infact my first computer back in 1984 was A Apple //e Clone (a Apco) over the last 4 years I a have begun collecting machines off
ebay and the such, and discovered ADTPro and have managed to get the entire asimov archive back on 5 1/4 floppies that i have also
aquired on ebay.

Can you nice folks point me in the right direction for more Apple ][ goodness? I already know about ADTPro, Applefritter (of course) and the Apple 2 use group.
Is there a official IRC channel? heck is there a way to get the APPLE ][ On IRC? how about a twitter client for the ][ now that would be interesting.
I don't have a ether/utherclient card cause i have not found any for sale yet. I am also on the CF3000 waiting list.
I am going to be launching my own Apple ][ Everything website in the near future.
Is there anyway easy way to feed a //e's composite out into a vga LCD monitor? I have tried to feed it into my composite capture card (hauugage 950q) with horrifying
results. ( wavy video), I would really like to get this clunky commodore 1702 monitor off my desk and replace it with a lcd.
Anyhow... cheers all..

Hello Folks,

without wanting to upset the newbies...some remarks.....
it´s just a little frustrating to repeat again and again the same contents treated just several months ago......
such old dinosaurs in apple really want to waste up time repeating again and again same contents....
it´s like if we old guys have to "pre"chew the bread for the young folks, because they can´t chew the bread by themself.....
this site has list of topics....
sorted !
you can read them....
even old threads sometimes contain valuable information !!!

and ... wow! there is a white box up there in the upper right corner of the window !!!!
do we realy have to explain how to use a search-function ???
if you would have entered there the term :
LCD converter
the list would come up with an entry like this in first line:
and oh my godness ! it´s a test on different converters with a real interesting video !!!
it´s realy not up to this speacial thread.... it happens again and again ...
use the search term :
uthernet and you will get quite a lot past threads with valuable information !!!
why are you to lazy to use that search function but instead start again and again the same threads with the same questions ???
the introduction is O.K. - but the rest has been answered months ago.....
sincerely speedyG


I really don´t want to make offense against any newbie - as i explained the intoduction itself was O.K.
but : it´s really boring if the "old guys" have to repeat themselves again and again....
it also chrushes up space on the server, if the same topic is treated 3 times or 6 times.....
it´s 2 times or 5 times too often.....
and it can be avoided .......
when i entered this platform - i first sat down and viewed those branches i was interested in for 2 weeks - viewing old threads.... and searching there for answers before i entered first posting with a question....
and i found there a lot of my questions answered without the need to start a new thread....
and sure - that might not be polite - but i do believe the habit not to view the old threads to be a sign of lazyness -
and by that also beeing unpolite to the members....
it seems to be a habit that has rised in the last years that "people won´t do their own job" but "expect others to do their job".... and that´s not polite at all....
thats just my privat beleive ... and it´s not specificaly related to this thread itself.... it just was the very occasion to publish the issue in the hope that this might be followed up more in future...
sincerely speedyG

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Is there a official IRC channel? heck is there a way to get the APPLE ][ On IRC?

I don't know if it's considered official, but all the cool kids hang out at

And by kids, I mean crusty long time Apple II users.

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

I compared a few cheap converters here:

It would be great if you could post your own experience w/ the hauugage 950q as a comparison in the comments section to that video.

I've been hoping someone would post about a good, inexpensive converter... but no luck yet. For now I am using a 4:3 LCD TV w/ composite input. Sharp image, good color, but the model I have is oversized for the purpose. Meanwhile, a nice size LCD VGA monitor sits on the shelf waiting for its chance.

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

I am currently located in Kamloops, British Columbia

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

edit by eeun - comment removed. C'mon, everyone please play nice. Some of this has already been addressed through PMs, so please let's all calm down and try again.
I hope the rest of the community is nicer then you don't need one bad 'Apple' spoiling the bunch.
Thanks for your link though i will give it a read


Darren 'CanadianViper" Crawford
Formerly known as 'Viper' on Apple BBS' 87-95

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Sounds Perfect for me Stahey

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction


Don't mind speedy, he woke up on the other side of the world this morning and has yet to have his first cup of coffee. Smile

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Thanks Stephen!

I was a might grouchy when I read his curt response

speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Hello Canadianviper,
hi Steven,
well it wasn´t - as i explained an offense against you in person....
and Steven - it wasn´t the missing cup of coffee....

it was rather more the ( i can´t count all of them together )XXth issue starting within the introduction of a issue treated several weeks ago....
just on short shot from the hip:
i have answered within the last 3 months about six times NEW posting related to Diskdrives that have been treated 3 months ago in deep with 4 pages filled with bunches of pictures and explanations and there eachtime repeating myself.....
why have the old threads not been viewed ?
i have answered about 5 times questions on the source of Disks availiable at and ADTpro...
why have the old threads not been viewed ?
why have the contents of not been viewed ?

and repeating about 4 times about books and circuitplans availiable at the Apple Documentation Center....
why have the old threads not been viewed ?
why have the contents of Apple Documentation Center not been viewed ?

and it happens about each week at least one time again that i have to repeat answers given few weeks ago....
and if you view the replies - i in majority keep polite and calm and answer again and again the same repeatings and explenations.... ( like in Tibet the monk : "Omni padne um, Omni padne um.... ")

it may be called unfortunate luck that this posting got the final drop to get the overflow of the barrel....

but in general adressing to the newbies ( and if you review my answer above - you´ll probably agree that i made difference ) i adressed a common and general problem.... ( and it will turn out to become a problem some day if the harddsik gets to its limits and is overcrowded with postings that have been treateed dozends of times repeatingly with the same answers.... )
and it can be avoided ... as i explained above too....
the general question on the backside is:
why implement a search function to a site if nobody uses it ??
why does nobody use it ?
maybe a solution would be an intropage for newbies that explains the use of the feature ?
or is the expenation not well enough understood ?
why do we have to repeat again and again the same questions ?

so now back to you, Canadianviper....
and hello again...
if you answer to this questions given here right above... - it might help us to understand why that features and listings of the postings and contents are not used.... i want to try learning from you by your answer - what´s going wrong and why it´s going wrong...

and hello to alkochera,
yep... it was exactly your posting containing the link to your video - that i mentioned in my first reply....

I´ll take a bet with everybody in the site - that at least 25% to 30% of the diskspace on the server is wasted with useless repeatings ( so called redundant content )...
sincerely speedyG

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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Perhaps there would be more server space if you didn't quote someone's entire post.

"Hello again?" I didn't see where you said hello the first time.

Realize that many people on many blogs ask questions that may have been answered before.
This is human nature.
Not everyone treats a blog as a dictionary.
Some people yearn for human interaction, also known as being sociable.

"I really don´t want to make offense against any newbie - as i explained the intoduction itself was O.K. but : it´s really boring if the "old guys" have to repeat themselves again and again...."

Believe it or not, you don't have to answer every post.
Had you been silent, the poster may have indeed searched for more info.
Here, you're not just offending newbies, but also some long-time users.

"thats just my privat beleive ... and it´s not specificaly related to this thread itself"

If it's private, why make it public?
For that matter, why not take the time to look up the proper spelling of "introduction, "specifically", "private", "believe" or even the correct word which is "belief?"
"thats" should also be "that's"

Many of these misspelled words are highlighted in red before you submit a post.
Why not take the time yourself to correct them?

"...the second part includes less friends..."

I can see why.

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Perhaps there would be more server space if you didn't quote someone's entire post.

"Hello again?" I didn't see where you said hello the first time.

Realize that many people on many blogs ask questions that may have been answered before.
This is human nature.
Not everyone treats a blog as a dictionary.
Some people yearn for human interaction, also known as being sociable.

"I really don´t want to make offense against any newbie - as i explained the intoduction itself was O.K. but : it´s really boring if the "old guys" have to repeat themselves again and again...."

Believe it or not, you don't have to answer every post.
Had you been silent, the poster may have indeed searched for more info.
Here, you're not just offending newbies, but also some long-time users.

"thats just my privat beleive ... and it´s not specificaly related to this thread itself"

If it's private, why make it public?
For that matter, why not take the time to look up the proper spelling of "introduction, "specifically", "private", "believe" or even the correct word which is "belief?"
"thats" should also be "that's"

Many of these misspelled words are highlighted in red before you submit a post.
Why not take the time yourself to correct them?

"...the second part includes less friends..."

I can see why.

Thankyou Neon!
Sums up my thoughts exactly, I am new in my journey back into the world of Apple ][ after a 20 year hiatas, and I am looking to make
new friends and start new projects. I have raised my own kids now, and I want some time for 'me' and before the whole get married, have kids, get a house etc etc etc, I was a major Apple Addict!

When I was back on the boards of the 80's pirating and having a good ol time I made a lot of good friends and i am looking to repeat that experience (minus the pirating) Wink

now excuse me but i have some Autoduel to play now.

eeun's picture
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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Okay, everyone. I suggest taking any further fussin' and feudin' to private mail.
Just let it go, and get back to talking about computers.

Canadianviper, welcome, from another Canadian.

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
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Re: Apple ][ Forever! My Introduction

Okay, everyone. I suggest taking any further fussin' and feudin' to private mail.
Just let it go, and get back to talking about computers.

Canadianviper, welcome, from another Canadian.


And thank you

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