New retro computing site:

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New retro computing site:

Hi everyone,
I wanted to let you all know that my new retro computing site,, has finally gone live. It's still a bit of a work in progress, and you may come across some bad grammar, spelling mistakes, and the new look and feel still needs to be applied to some blog sections, but all in all I'm very happy with it.

For those interested in articles and repair logs, please have a look at the projects page where you can find write-ups on a lot of my fixes. This section will be constantly updated as new articles are written. If you just want to read my personal take on the computers in my collection, you can access this by clicking on the images on the front page.

Enjoy, and if you have any comments, please don't hesitate in contacting me.


macnoyd's picture
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Re: New retro computing site:

Well done Philip! It'll take me a while to read through your work, but my complements on a great new web page dedicated to the foundation of a tech revolution.

Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: Sep 3 2005 - 04:23
Posts: 104
Re: New retro computing site:

Thanks macnoyd,
I hope you enjoy it.

MarkO's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
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Re: New retro computing site:


Not just another Collector of Old Apples. But a Collector of Old Personal Computers... Such a Web Site, brings back many memories.. I have already visited the Apple ][ and Sinclair File sections of the FTP Site....

My first Personal Computer I used was the Apple ][+ at my High School, but the First Computer I had at home was the Sinclair ZX81, built as a Kit in 1982.

The Sinclair ZX81 cost $99.99 ( USD ), plus Shipping ( $149.99 ( USD ) plus shipping, Assembled ), and my Dad and I Assembled it, while talking to my Uncle on the phone, who also bought the same kit and was assembling it, at the same time. Later on we got the 16K RAM expansion, the Printer, and my Uncle bought a few others, as Timex/Sinclair 1000 ( with 2K of RAM, instead of the 1K ). When my Uncle was getting rid of them, he gave them to me... Later he gave me a Lot of Commodore 64 and 128 Stuff.. I need to post some pictures of the Sinclair Computers I have....

My first Apple ][e was shared with my friend, Randy.

Since then, I added the Commodore SX-64, because most of my family used them, ( I was the lone Apple User ), and other various Commodore VIC and 64 Parts..

Here is my 8bit Computer Desk I am setting up. I need to test a MMU and IOU unit, and then Save a Whole Lot of Floppies... Wink

I had a question about NZ and Computers of the 1980's...

Did Sinclair have local assembly, to avoid the large Import Tariff, or did you build it as a kit?

Having lived in the US all my life, I have had a benefit of having a lot of the Microcomputer Revolution happen relativity close to me.. The very popular, Videx 80 Column Card for the Apple ][, was built by, Videx Inc., about 12 Miles from where I live.. Silicone Valley is about 10 Hours by Car from where I live.

Good luck of restoring your Apple ]['s.. I have a ][ and a ][+ that I relocated in my Storage Unit, and am in the process of cleaning up and getting working well, again..

amauget's picture
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Re: New retro computing site:

Greetings Lord Philip !

Just a few days ago, I wonder where the old site was gone... I have the answer now. Smile

Thanks for sharing.

Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: Sep 3 2005 - 04:23
Posts: 104
Re: New retro computing site:

Sorry it took me so long to getting around to rebuilding everything.


smileyranger's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: Mar 21 2011 - 20:50
Posts: 167
Re: New retro computing site:


My first Apple ][e was shared with my friend, Randy.

You should re-create that picture just for laughs, since it's been 30 years.

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