Apple II FTP Server

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k4lmp's picture
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Apple II FTP Server

I have quite a few files for Apple II's, that I have collected from the internet. I am in the process of going through them all right now, and organizing them, and changing the names so you can tell what they are more easily. I have an unused server that is set up as an FTP server, that I would be willing to put all these files on, and give access to everyone on the board. If this is something that you guys would be interested in, let me know. I could set up an upload section as well, so if members have files that aren't on there, they could upload them, then I could add them to the download section. Think about it and let me know if anyone thinks it is something we would like to do, as I am not using the server and am more than willing to do so.


magnusfalkirk's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I have quite a few files for Apple II's, that I have collected from the internet. I am in the process of going through them all right now, and organizing them, and changing the names so you can tell what they are more easily. I have an unused server that is set up as an FTP server, that I would be willing to put all these files on, and give access to everyone on the board. If this is something that you guys would be interested in, let me know. I could set up an upload section as well, so if members have files that aren't on there, they could upload them, then I could add them to the download section. Think about it and let me know if anyone thinks it is something we would like to do, as I am not using the server and am more than willing to do so.


I think this would be an excellent idea. As has been pointed out on other forums, most noticeably the Atari Age forums, other than Asimov there are very few Apple II dedicated sites were you can download software. If you make it easier to know what the software is than Asimov does that will be a real benefit also. Count me in.


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I already have an FTP address, so it wouldn't be any problem to do. I would just have to put the files on the server, and set up the permissions. I already have a "guest" permission set up, that I could use. I would just need to come up with a password, and give it to the moderators to distribute. I wouldn't want to post it public, but it would be for all members of AppleFritter. If someone wants to use it, all they would have to do is join. I hope I get more responses. It doesn't seem like people are interested much. Personally, I think it would be a great way to share files.


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Magnus, If you still are interested, I can give you a link and account when I get it ready. I am working on sorting through the files right now. I'll let you know when I get done.

robbo007's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I'm interested.

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Great! It will take me a bit to go through the files, as there are a BUNCH of them. I am trying to organize them the best I can, but when I get done, if people browse the site, and see any misfiled, they can let me know and I can change it. I'll keep udating this post. Thanks for the interest.


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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I'm also interested. Thanks for doing this, keep up the great work!


magnusfalkirk's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Magnus, If you still are interested, I can give you a link and account when I get it ready. I am working on sorting through the files right now. I'll let you know when I get done.

Definitely interested still. Would you like me to e-mail you so you can send the link and account info privately?

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Sure, I can give you my email. It will be awhile before I get it ready, though. There are sooooo many files that I am going through. I have them all on an FTP server now, but it is one that I don't give out the info for, as it is for my files. After I sort and organize them all, I am going to move them over to an Apple only FTP server, and will send anyone interested the info. I will also send the moderators the info as well, as this will be for the AppleFritter members. I will let everyone know when I get it completed and ready. Thanks for the interest. The members of this board have helped me so much, and I am glad to give back.


bushnrvn's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I am also interested in this. I've got some stuff I can go through too and see if I can contribute. Could you PM me with the link?


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I have the link, but it isn't up yet, as I am still sorting files. I also have to set up a port on my firewall for the server. I need to make some changes on the server as well. I will update this thread when I am ready to turn it up. Thanks to everyone for the interest.


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I have the FTP server up with only a couple of files on it and have PM'd the people who have shown interest, all the info to connect and test. As soon as the testing phase is over, I will send the moderators the info, and will PM anyone who wants to use it the info. I would like to make this server only for applefritter members, so please don't post the info where the general public can see it. I don't mind a link on the site, as long as people have to join and login to see it. Hopefully the tests will go OK, and I will update this thread when I know more.

Moderators: Is this something you would be willing to do. I don't think any moderators have responded to this thread. I don't want to overstep any bounds, and won't go any farther without your approval.


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

To all those I PM'ed...I'm having major permission issues on the server. Give me a bit to work them out.


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I have the server down, until I get the issues sorted out. I'll let you know when I get it back.


magnusfalkirk's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I have the server down, until I get the issues sorted out. I'll let you know when I get it back.


Waiting patiently to test your server.

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

OK, everything should be back. I am using a different server, which is faster, and different software. I switched to OpenFiler as the software, which is straightforward about the permissions. When testing, make sure that you can upload/download to the apple/upload/files folder, and make sure you can download only to the apple/download/files folder (please make sure you can't upload to this, as this will be where all the sorted files will be for download). Let me know how everything goes. Sorry for the delay.


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I have uploaded a bunch of files that I have had a chance to go through. I have tons more to sort through, so be please be patient with me. When downloading, please read the readme file in the downloads section. Also, read the readme in the upload section before uploading a file.

Moderators: Would any of you like the information for the server? please let me know.


A2forever's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

so when will an FTP address be present?

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

A2Forever PM sent. Thanks.

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Re: Apple II FTP Server


Glad to see someone doing this. Good Going!


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Everyone, I have 1 person, who is testing, who cannot login to the server. He's tried CLI ftp, as well as FileZilla. I am able to login fine from home and work, so I don't know what is going on. If anyone else is having problems logging in, please let me know. Thanks.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Hello k4lmp,
sounds like that peron has trouble with his firewall... maybe the settings are to restricted or as second choice: some virusprotection programs have integrated scanning within the browser .... like for example AVG.... probably his own protection locks him off from logging in....
sincerely speedyG

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Well, I thought that as well. I think it may be something with a special character in the pwd, as I was unable to CLI FTP from inside my local LAN. I set him up a different account to see if that takes care of the problem. I was able to CLI FTP with the new account. If this is the problem, I will have to change the password to something else. I don't see why the special character would matter with FileZilla, though. He cannot login with it either, and it works fine for me, from home and work. Weird...

Any member wanting to use the server, PM me and I'll give you the info. Like I said, though, I may have to change the pwd if other users experience the problem.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Hello k4lmp,
if that server is used international by users you should allways be aware of the fact that national charsets may take influence.... this is a well known problem, that in such cases special characters should be avoided by the passwords given....

if you remember back a similar problem is valid, by giving names to files in different operation systems....(special chars permitted in windows based systems with internet information server are not permitted at apache server on linux system like for example understrike/underscore ..... using for example german special vocals on apache with linux won´t work.... )

so i´d anyhow recommend to use only international alphanumerical characters in passwords and login process...
and the user should be reminded that passwords are allways also CASE-SENSITIVE.... it´s a comon known fact - but a lot of users tend to forget that and need to be reminded....

its quite similar to old apple days.... just think about the tricky things, that you were permitted to do with naming of files in DOS3.3 ( for example with Beagle Bros. DOS BOSS ), that have not been permitted within proDOS..... in old days such tricks where even used for copyprotection on DOS-based games, when the programmer issued within a catalog of the disk seemingly files with same names - but in fact they were different by using hidden characters.... and trying to copy such disks with filecopy mode was nearly impossible for normal users...

sincerely speedyG

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Speedy, Thanks, I hadn't thought of the special character issue. I gave him a simple login/pwd with no characters, all lower case, and it still won't work for him. I was able to command line in from work with the same account. You may be right about it being something in his firewall. I am stumped on this. I work for a telephone company, and we also are an internet provider. I am the supervisor over the technical side of both companies, and had my internet guys look at the printout I got when I command line connected, and they said it was fine. Also, in his printout, he is making it to my server fine, but isn't authenticating correctly or something. I will look at the logs on my server and see if I can see any problems. Thanks for the help


speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

hello k4lmp,
well i have been long time freelancer for large softwarecompanies related with large databases.... the customers were often huge conglomerats / enterprise / transnational corporations like insurances, siemens and large banking corporations.... so i´m rather well informed about all kind of issues related to different kinds of merging databases and other information over the internet by direct and indirect communication pipes....
if the pasword is entirely in lower case and direct login works well - but ftp-dependent login makes a problem there are in most cases the settings of the FTP the problem.
there is a difference in communication with sites located on secured servers and not secured servers...
( i. e. http:// or https: ) and even at unsecured servers there are several methods of login possible.
remember about the fact of encryption and port.
https: servers use other ports for authentification than http: servers...
and then at login it is also important to make difference, if at the server side encryption is required or not and if encryption is used, it is a big difference using 64-bit, 128bit or 256bit encryption and its also important to know if a public key is used or not.
And its also important to know if PASV is used with FTP or not....
It probably might be usefull to make a list of the settings required at the FTP-client to match up with the settings at the serverside.... i´ll bet that one of the parameters is set wrong at the client side that does not login correct....
sincerely speedyG

MarkO's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Also, in the Old Days, an Active FTP Connection was Standard, but a Decade or so ago, a Passive FTP Connection was becoming more common. Some older FTP programs won't do a Passive Connection and fail to continue to communicate...

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I use passive, and I think that is pretty much standard nowadays. He is still trying stuff, but no luck yet. I hope he reads the posts, as I am at a dead end. Mark, you have a PM.


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Can some Linux guru look at this and see if they can tell why it is failing? I am Xing out the login, but it is the same word on the successful login and the unsuccessful.

Dec 10 10:24:53 Apple proftpd[24022] Apple (IP Deleted For Privacy]): PAM(XXXXXXX): Authentication failure.
Dec 10 10:24:53 Apple proftpd[24022] Apple (IP Deleted For Privacy]): USER XXXXXXX (Login failed): No such user found.

Dec 10 10:27:12 Apple proftpd[24027] Apple (IP Deleted For Privacy]): USER XXXXXXX: Login successful.
Dec 10 10:27:12 Apple proftpd[24027] Apple (IP Deleted For Privacy]): Preparing to chroot to directory '/mnt'
Dec 10 10:27:12 Apple proftpd[24027] Apple (IP Deleted For Privacy]): mod_delay/0.5: delaying for 105451 usecs
Dec 10 10:28:11 Apple proftpd[24027] Apple (IP Deleted For Privacy]): FTP session closed.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Hello Jeff,

line posting # 29:
IF login not completed successful THEN compare the settings mentioned before and GOTO posting # 25 ( 3 blocks above )
IF login is completed with success THEN proceed to publishing new posting that explains what happened and GOTO reply-button....

sincerely speedyG

i.e. if he sends the word: "mypassword" and its encrypted with 64-bit encryption
and your computer gets the scrambled code and
decrypts that scrambled code with 128-bit decryption - then your computer will NOT read "mypassword"

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Thanks, Speedy. I am an everyday Linux user, but that is over my head. I will send this to the user with problems, and maybe he will know what he is using for encryption. Maybe it is something he can easily change.


speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Hello Jeff,
it´s more important that you should issue the settings of your server to the users....
they need the correct information of following facts:

does your server use encrypted login or not
and at which ports is the login expected....
is the encryption based on 64-bit or 128 bit
and which kind of encryption system ?
does the server support PASV communication or not

that is all together important information for correct ftp-setup
for correct communication....

this should be added to the content of the mail that you send to your users....
and if you don´t know...
why not ask those users that have logged in sucessful ?

they could provide you with the needed information by transmitting to you their settings....


k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Speedy, thanks a bunch. Passive mode is what should be used, and I am pretty sure the login isn't encrypted. I've given everyone the port number, as I don't use 21, for security reasons. Everything should be good by default with FileZilla, and I have also used GFtp, which is another program that comes with Fedora. Pretty much everything default except the port. So far, this one user is the only one having trouble that I know of. It seems to work fine for everyone else. Thanks for your help. I'll post if I find out anything else.


MarkO's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Speedy, thanks a bunch. Passive mode is what should be used, and I am pretty sure the login isn't encrypted. I've given everyone the port number, as I don't use 21, for security reasons. Everything should be good by default with FileZilla, and I have also used GFtp, which is another program that comes with Fedora. Pretty much everything default except the port. So far, this one user is the only one having trouble that I know of. It seems to work fine for everyone else. Thanks for your help. I'll post if I find out anything else.


I am using FilleZilla on Windows, and the connection is fine.. I copied the information, directly from the PM, and did not type anything by hand.

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I am in the process of backing up my FTP server to DVD. Just thought everyone might want some stats as to how much is on the server. Almost 45,000 files and close to 23gb. It is going to take me around 6 or 7 DVDs to back it up.


magnusfalkirk's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I am in the process of backing up my FTP server to DVD. Just thought everyone might want some stats as to how much is on the server. Almost 45,000 files and close to 23gb. It is going to take me around 6 or 7 DVDs to back it up.


Cool! Did you already have all that software or is a lot of it stuff that was contributed by other people?

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

This is all software I have downloaded and sorted from the internet. Unfortunately, no one has uploaded anything yet. There is one file in the upload folder someone uploaded when I first brought up the server to test. It is called 'acquire.dsk' or something to that effect. I'm not sure what it is, and haven't loaded it on my apple yet to see. The sad thing is, I work for a telephone/cable tv/internet provider, and get a huge discount from the internet provider that I use, since I don't live in the service area of the company I work for. I currently have 30 meg service that I don't pay much of anything for. I was contacted by the company, and they are doing away with the discounts. I have to have internet service for remote connections to work (I am a tech supervisor), so I will have to keep internet through them (for now, our company might possibly build fiber in the area I live, and will have a remote cabinet a stones throw away, if this happens, I will have fiber to the home, and PLENTY of bandwidth). I will probably not keep the 30 meg service, so speeds to the server may go down. I will have to see what happens with this situation. I will keep the server up, but download speed for users from the internet may drop.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server


I have attempted on several occasions to get to the site with no success.
Is the URL you pm'ed me the full URL?
Are ther any special things I must do using IE?

Thanks Smile

magnusfalkirk's picture
Last seen: 16 hours 35 min ago
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

This is all software I have downloaded and sorted from the internet. Unfortunately, no one has uploaded anything yet. There is one file in the upload folder someone uploaded when I first brought up the server to test. It is called 'acquire.dsk' or something to that effect. I'm not sure what it is, and haven't loaded it on my apple yet to see. The sad thing is, I work for a telephone/cable tv/internet provider, and get a huge discount from the internet provider that I use, since I don't live in the service area of the company I work for. I currently have 30 meg service that I don't pay much of anything for. I was contacted by the company, and they are doing away with the discounts. I have to have internet service for remote connections to work (I am a tech supervisor), so I will have to keep internet through them (for now, our company might possibly build fiber in the area I live, and will have a remote cabinet a stones throw away, if this happens, I will have fiber to the home, and PLENTY of bandwidth). I will probably not keep the 30 meg service, so speeds to the server may go down. I will have to see what happens with this situation. I will keep the server up, but download speed for users from the internet may drop.

I'm the one who uploaded the Acquire.dsk image. Basically it's the Acquire computer game from Antoine cassette collection, along with some other games. I uploaded it to try out whether or not uploading to your server worked. As you can see it did. Hope everything works out for you for the best as far as your server and it's speed goes.


MarkO's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I haven't uploaded anything anywhere yet. I am still organizing my Apple ][ stuff..

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server


I have attempted on several occasions to get to the site with no success.
Is the URL you pm'ed me the full URL?
Are ther any special things I must do using IE?

Thanks :)

PM sent.

apple2lives's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Thank You for taking the time to do this!

Please add me to the list for access to your site.


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Re: Apple II FTP Server

Thanks for all the effort, I'd like to check it out as well!

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

PM sent to both, with login info.

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I'm just curious to see if anyone is using the server. I am considering shutting it down, and using it for personal use if no one is using it. So far, the only thing uploaded is a file someone uploaded for testing. I haven't looked at the logs to see if anyone is using it for downloads. I don't mind leaving it up, if it is being used, but, it is running 24/7, and I don't need to leave it up for personal use only, as I can just boot it up when needed. I would appreciate input, as to whether it is being utilized any, or not. Thanks everyone.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I have it, but as yet I have not had the chance to use it.
Would be a shame if you shut it down now.
Maybe you could set up a weekend schedule for folks to use?

Steven Smile

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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I Will happily host it on my apple ][ forver website.. i have tons of space and bandwidth

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I don't mind a bit to leave it up, if people are using it. Thanks for the interest. As long as someone wants me to keep it, I can, no problem. I just wanted to make sure that someone actually wanted me to keep it going. Thanks.

macnoyd's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

A lot of us want you to keep it going. It's better than the Asimov site IMHO.
I've been limiting my D/L's so as not to overdue bandwidth, etc.
It's a GREAT site. Thank you for investing your time with this. MUCH appreciated.

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Re: Apple II FTP Server

I guess this all kind of boils down to your goals. If you want to have an FTP site that is the go-to place, open it up. Make guest credentials easy to find and use. Make content easy to find. Curate the content. And let it run - for YEARS.

k4lmp's picture
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Re: Apple II FTP Server

A lot of us want you to keep it going. It's better than the Asimov site IMHO.
I've been limiting my D/L's so as not to overdue bandwidth, etc.
It's a GREAT site. Thank you for investing your time with this. MUCH appreciated.

Thanks so very much for that comment. I take that as the highest complement. I will leave it up, as it seems that people are using it. Just wanted to make sure. As for opening it up, I don't mind for anyone using it at all, or people giving each other the login/pwd. The only thing is I have several servers running at home, doing various things, and one of them got hacked. I don't mind at all, for anyone to use it, but am hesitant about just posting all the info publicly, for fear of attack. Feel free to pass the info around, as anyone on this site, as well as all Apple enthusiasts are welcome. It is the "non-enthusiast" just wanting to prowl that I am concerned about. Thanks so much for the feedback, and feel free to use it, and give the info to all your Apple friends.

One more thing, I got the internet thing worked out, so I have 30 meg download capability, and probably around 5 meg or higher upload, so feel free to use it.


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