What is the card next to the memory card in this IIgs?

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What is the card next to the memory card in this IIgs?

This IIgs caught my attention, since it looks like a IIe -> IIgs upgrade board in a regular IIgs case (due to the connectors on the motherboard). I can't identify the card. It looks like it might be some kind of multifunction card with floppy connectors. The auction says it is a SCSI card, but not one that I recognize. Just curious.


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Re: What is the card next to the memory card in this IIgs?

hello billw,
unfortunatly the pictures don´t show enough for identification of the card.... if you purchased that computer we all will appreciate more detailed pictures of that card. If we can get better view that will raise the chance to identify the card or at least its function..... if you get the chance to take also a picture with the piggypack removed to see whats below and if pictures are that good that ic chips can be identified that will help a lot. In the 80´s only very few chips were able to handle SCSI-Bus and they can be identified by the printing on top of the chip. If there are codes or logos printed on the card ( probably on the backside ?) that might help too.... at least it seems very sure not to be a common standard card..... a

nd not to forget: as far as the card in not identified there are several other options to think about like cards for lab-function, plotter interface, special kind of LAN-function and other kinds of use....

the 2 connector on the card seem to be determined for DISK II Interface but also in that case at least orientation must be identified ( at which corner is pin 1 ?)

and the 19 pin DB at the backside ( probably a Diskport ?)

and if you purchased that computer it might be s good chance to call the card itself by software ( IN#7 ) ? probably if it realy is SCSI it might have like some other cards a own program in the firmware for configuration which might start at such a call and the menu might help identify the card ( manufacturer or kind of menu )....

sincerely speedyG

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Re: What is the card next to the memory card in this IIgs?

As Speedy G said. Does not look like an Apple,Ramfast,CMS or Xybect (SASI) card. It might be a PC tranporter card, would have to pull mine out where ever it is packed up and put away.

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Re: What is the card next to the memory card in this IIgs?

Hello Twilight_Rodent,
i can confirm it´s not a PC-Transporter otherwise there would be the 8087 socket there, where the piggy pack is.....

i have checked out my archives ( more than 390 cards ! ).... its not in there.... neither at SCSI Cards nor at accelerator cards, also not at CPU cards ( like other 8088 cards or so ).....

this must be from very small company and very rare card..... not within the documentation center....

probably a prototype from a small batch .... but unless the labeling is shown or ICs identified there is no chance to get an idea about that card except that it seems to have 2 APPLE DISK II ports and probably a port similar to the diskport....

but no idea about the 25 DB port .... to many cards have used such plugs... beginning from printer ports and serial ports to SASI, SCSI and exotic cable to plotters or lab-measurement....
no guess without further information...

sincerely SpeedyG

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Re: What is the card next to the memory card in this IIgs?

Sorry - I didn't buy it - I mostly just window shop on eBay. Wink

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Re: What is the card next to the memory card in this IIgs?

That's a pretty uncommon card. An OKS cache card with the SCSI option board.

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