Getting my PowerBook 2300c online?

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Getting my PowerBook 2300c online?

Hi, I recently bough a PowerBook 2300c. It also came with a manual. The pictures inside show a socket for a phone cable and say that you use dial up to get online access. Unfortunately mine does not have this function, instead it has a round socket similar to the one for an dab keyboard or mouse. Has anybody seen this before or have any ideas what I should do?
Thanks in advance!

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Re: Getting my PowerBook 2300c online?

That round port is a serial port. You can connect an external modem to that, providing you can track down a Mac modem cable. You might be able to swing TCP over localtalk if you've got another Mac that can run Apple's bridge software.

The 2300c has a PDS slot, which can connect to a dock, much like some newer laptops. They're hard to come by, though. The various docks that were available for the Duos added handy ports like ethernet, scsi and external monitor and keyboard.

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Re: Getting my PowerBook 2300c online?

You can also use a serial to tcpip adapter. They are all over eBay. They pretend to be a modem and you can dial in and out to any IP address. Haven't tried using one to access a website as I'm mostly using them so I can telnet into systems that don't have ethernet like my Altai Micro.


Last seen: 3 weeks 18 hours ago
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Re: Getting my PowerBook 2300c online?

So I managed to get an adapter called a serial to rj-11. It looks exactly the same connection as my phone cable. Does anyone have any idea how to "dial-up" to the internet? I doubt its the same as using an ethernet cable?

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Re: Getting my PowerBook 2300c online?

thats not a modem though.... its a bridge to phonenet. they used the phone style wire instead of a localtalk cable. do not plug that into the phone line you will damage your serial port. you need a mac modem that has the serial cable on it, or a mac serial cable on one end and a db25 on the other.

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Re: Getting my PowerBook 2300c online?

I found no way to get mine online without using a dock. Dialup is not really an option anymore, AFAIK.

Instead, I'm using an Asante Mini EN/SC with its HDI-30 cable hooked to the mini-dock.

It has, in effect, proven to give a real purpose to this mac : able to focus on writing with no possible online distraction. Also it can stay in a kid's room with no risk for them to get online.

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