Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

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Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

Im considering trading for a Mac mini 1.66 core duo and upgrading it to a core 2 duo. Are the Mac mini CPUs soldered in? Is this feisable? I also hope to be able to trick lion into installing after I get the core 2 duo in.

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Re: Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

I did that exact thing some time ago: had a 1.66 core duo and bought a 2.0 on eBay. It is not soldered, just pull it out carefully, put the new one and you are good to go.


Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Re: Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

Great! Thanks! We're you able to get lion on it?

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Re: Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

Great! Thanks! We're you able to get lion on it?

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Re: Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

I don't have it anymore, I used for a while as an HTPC with Plex, then I sold it and got an Apple TV2. I had Snow Leopard running on it.
Hope it helps.

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Re: Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

I have the exact same machine, and I did some research on this a while ago. A C2D upgraded CD mini will run Lion, but you cannot install it on that machine, you need to either do target disk mode on a machine that supports lion, or pull the hard drive out. Also, mine has been modded to run the ROM from the C2D mini, which added 2 things: you can use up to 4gb of RAM, vs 2gb in the Cd mini. Also, and the bigger one is the USB 2.0 bus works at boot, rather than waiting for the OS. What this means if you have a aluminum keyboard, and a CD mini, you cannot invoke the option boot menu, erase the PRAM, etc. You have to plug in an older USB 1.1 keyboard.

I can't remember how I found how to do it, or the ROM file, but I think I still have it backed up somewhere. Works flawlessly. Though I still have not put in the CPU yet. I am waiting to afford a 2.33ghz core 2 duo CPU (around $100 on ebay), 4gb of RAM, and a larger HD, so I only have to crack the case once.

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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Re: Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

Awesome! I would LOVE to get my hands on that ROM file and find a way to flash it!

I have the exact same machine, and I did some research on this a while ago. A C2D upgraded CD mini will run Lion, but you cannot install it on that machine, you need to either do target disk mode on a machine that supports lion, or pull the hard drive out. Also, mine has been modded to run the ROM from the C2D mini, which added 2 things: you can use up to 4gb of RAM, vs 2gb in the Cd mini. Also, and the bigger one is the USB 2.0 bus works at boot, rather than waiting for the OS. What this means if you have a aluminum keyboard, and a CD mini, you cannot invoke the option boot menu, erase the PRAM, etc. You have to plug in an older USB 1.1 keyboard.

I can't remember how I found how to do it, or the ROM file, but I think I still have it backed up somewhere. Works flawlessly. Though I still have not put in the CPU yet. I am waiting to afford a 2.33ghz core 2 duo CPU (around $100 on ebay), 4gb of RAM, and a larger HD, so I only have to crack the case once.

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Re: Upgrading a Mac mini CPU

I think this is where I got the files from, if not the instructions look the same. I don't think I had to bless the folder though. http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-1197875.html

If the link is dead, let me know, I did check and it is still sitting in my downloads folder, which I need to sort though. I will put it up on dropbox or my google drive.

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