Apple II peripherals for sale

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Apple II peripherals for sale

I have a large collection of peripheral boards I'm considering selling.
Will part with separately.
Serious offers only.

Please note: I love these boards and it pains me to sell them.
However I'm partially disabled and need the money for medical needs.

All boards work and have been recently tested.
Some boards were recapped with new electrolyics as well.

Apple Computer Apple II prototyping board (never used)*
Applied Engineering TransWarp II accelerator
Custom made 8 channel relay board
Gibson Lite Pen (unencapsulated board- works great) *
Hollister Micro Systems Eprom programmer and UV eraser lamp*
Interactive Structures A/D board: 16 channels, 8 bit *
Mountain Computer 16 channel, 8 bit AD / DA card (in original box w/cable)*
Roland (Amdek) ADA-200R 8 bit A/D D/A (no interface board)*
Thunderclock Plus clock/calendar board*
Unknown make (but very nice) Apple II prototyping board (never used)
Unknown make (but very nice) D/A board: 2 channels, 12 bit each*

*software included

You can see most of them here:

Please do not write me to ask how much I want.
These are offer-only sales.
Failure to meet a reasonable offer, they will either be withdrawn or sold on Ebay.

Thank you for your time,
KL aka Neon Forests

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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

That link re directs to a Med tabs site....

There is no APPLE stuff there....

MODS - Please remove this thread and user.... Please disregard as the poster's original URL redirection was hijacked.

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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Strangely if you open in the same window it does that but if I open in new window it goes to a page of apple stuff. Even on my iPad. I wonder if he's legit and his site has been hacked with a javascript that fails when you open in a new window or tab.

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

No, I am not a spammer or scammer!
I AM legit.
Hell, I was a member of the famous PigSty BBS.

Go to and hit the Apple II / Laser Engraver link.

Try pasting in the link or checking Google before you call me a liar and ask for my removal.

Or check my previous thread here about the same site.

These peripherals ARE for sale and I have nothing to do with viagra.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale


I just tried the first link and it does take you to a meds site.
That does not mean that it was intentional, or that you should be removed.
I think someone may have jumped the gun a little and you deserve an apology.

By the way...the second link does work.

As for your list of items:

I for one would hate to see these go to ebay if you can help it, but I am no good at estimating what some of these items may be worth.
You might think about reconsidering your position on placing prices here for these items.

Just a thought.

Steven Smile

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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale


Experience tells me you're right, but I also don't have a firm idea of what things are worth.
I couldn't find a single listing or sale for the Transwarp II, for example.

Anyway, I already received a couple reasonable offers on some things.
Not so great offers on others.
Pretty much what I expected.

I just wanted to give Applefritter users a first chance, so will leave things available up here for about a week or so.
Thanks for the kind words.

Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Hi Neon

Your first link does indeed point to a meds site, confirmed by Corey and Steven. If it is indeed not intentional and by way that you have posted further since then I'm sure you can go and edit your original post and either remove the "redirected" link altogether or correct it so that it points to the valid information.

Perhaps better still if as has been suggested your links are hacked on that site then move you information to a site with more security. And by the way on my browser opening the first link whether in the same window or another window or another tab only redirects to the meds site. So I don't think I jumped the gun. We can certainly judge people wrong can't we Steven, as we know only too well with the debacle over the "fake" "original" Apple II earlier this year. I'm sure the original poster can modify the links and resolve the issues.

Leaving the link as it is doesn't do your credibility and good, so now it is up to you.

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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale


Take a look at the source code on this site. Do the same for my site and pages.
There is no link to any meds site either here on this forum,nor within the code on my site.

It is however entirely possible that a php hack is operating server side either on this forum or mine.

Regardless, it is not very hard to copy and paste the url into a browser or access the link from my main site.
Immediately declaring me a scammer and demanding my removal is rude and assumptive.
Indeed, I've been a member here on AppleFritter longer than you have.
Finally, since the link I posted is a valid link both textually and as an HTML URL, there's nothing I CAN change.
My website has been around for 16 years and I've received no complaints.
For all we know, YOUR computer has a virus. That's just as reasonable of an assumption that I somehow embedded redirection code.
Either way, you should learn some manners and not jump to conclusions blaming members for something out of their control.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Hello IntegerROM and Neon Forests,
please let us all calm down to normal communication..... the first reaction Integer ROM to demand a user to be removed though that user is member since 2003 wasn´t probably the "best idea" - instead a pm announcing to Neon Forests that there is trouble with the link and requesting him to check that out might have been a better choice.....

on the other side just hacking back and claiming to IntegerROM that his computer must be infected is probably also not usefull to solve the issues....

several of us have tried out the link and have been redirected to the meds site.... so both of you are not liars .... as life shows us if you both view a dice from opposite sides - both will tell us to view different numbers on the dice and both are telling the truth....( considering their view of the dice )
in fact it seems that strange things happen when clicking the link..... at some point there must be a hack operating....

but instead of attacking eachother it is more usefull to find out where the trouble is by examination .....

it´s old strategy in war that opponents are easier to defeat if they are divided by anticipation..... that worked in former roman ancient ages , but in the meantime we should have learned not to step into such a trap... the problem to fight is the guy that hacked somewhere the communication, because this threats to all future post that contain a link and that might be hijacked....

the real question should be:
are there specific browsers that are more dependent to that effect or not ?
are other links at AF that have been hijacked ?
are there other links to the provider of the domain of Neon Forests that have been hijacked ?

I for example use Firefox vers. 12.0 and the hack works only if called in same window - in new window and in new tab the hack does not work....
so lets be constructive to find out where the trouble realy is....
I have tried a bunch of links within AF and found no other hijacking so my guess would be the provider of the domain of Neon Forests... and it seems the hack only to work if origin of the call to the targetpage is set from a call from another site... a call from a new tab or a call from a new window is similar to a direct call by pasting the Url - and that does not work... but up to now that´s just a guess....
so probably a notice from Neon Forrest to his provider just explaining the symptoms might be usefull...
they could do a trace for code related with the IP of the med-server at their server and find out whats going on...
sincerely speedyG

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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Wow. The laser engraver is genius. I don't know why but I find plotters fascinating. Sorry you have to sell so much of your kit. Good luck.

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Hello IntegerROM and Neon Forests,
please let us all calm down to normal communication..... the first reaction Integer ROM to demand a user to be removed though that user is member since 2003 wasn´t probably the "best idea" - instead a pm announcing to Neon Forests that there is trouble with the link and requesting him to check that out might have been a better choice.....

on the other side just hacking back and claiming to IntegerROM that his computer must be infected is probably also not usefull to solve the issues....

several of us have tried out the link and have been redirected to the meds site.... so both of you are not liars .... as life shows us if you both view a dice from opposite sides - both will tell us to view different numbers on the dice and both are telling the truth....( considering their view of the dice )
in fact it seems that strange things happen when clicking the link..... at some point there must be a hack operating....

but instead of attacking eachother it is more usefull to find out where the trouble is by examination .....

it´s old strategy in war that opponents are easier to defeat if they are divided by anticipation..... that worked in former roman ancient ages , but in the meantime we should have learned not to step into such a trap... the problem to fight is the guy that hacked somewhere the communication, because this threats to all future post that contain a link and that might be hijacked....

the real question should be:
are there specific browsers that are more dependent to that effect or not ?
are other links at AF that have been hijacked ?
are there other links to the provider of the domain of Neon Forests that have been hijacked ?

I for example use Firefox vers. 12.0 and the hack works only if called in same window - in new window and in new tab the hack does not work....
so lets be constructive to find out where the trouble realy is....
I have tried a bunch of links within AF and found no other hijacking so my guess would be the provider of the domain of Neon Forests... and it seems the hack only to work if origin of the call to the targetpage is set from a call from another site... a call from a new tab or a call from a new window is similar to a direct call by pasting the Url - and that does not work... but up to now that´s just a guess....
so probably a notice from Neon Forrest to his provider just explaining the symptoms might be usefull...
they could do a trace for code related with the IP of the med-server at their server and find out whats going on...
sincerely speedyG

Important Update to the topic of the redirection !

I did in the last hours a research to the viewed effects and stumbled across a Notice from the FBI and from the security services of the European Union related to a commen spread trojan infection that could be related exactly to the viewed effect !

Due to the fact that several people are not very happy with the govermental institutions i just publish here the link to the european page related to the topic of this trojan infection that also contains a link to a test utility and that is written in english language for explanations:
hope this might help to get grip on the viewed effects .....

Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Taking everything onboard.

Indeed I apologise to Neon. He is an unwitting victim of some hijacking and is obviously unaware of the redirection to the med site. The redirection is evident by other people (thus not a virus on my PC) under certain circumstances possibly linked to the security settings of their browser and how the browser interacts with miscreant scripts.

Having carried out the check above the result is:

"This computer with the IP address and your home network are not infected with the 'DNSChanger-Trojan horse'."

It is easy to avoid the redirection, if the URL is modified to be

Notice the trailing slash "/" at the end of the URL, this now launches, for me anyway, without any redirection to the meds site.

"Traditionally, URLs that pointed to files did not include the trailing slash, while URLs that pointed to directories do include the trailing slash. This means that: is a directory, while is a file

This helps speed up page loading because the trailing slash immediately tells the web server to go to that example/ directory and look for the index.html or other default file.

When you go to a URL without the trailing slash, the web server looks for a file with that name. If it doesn’t find a file with that name, then it looks for a directory and looks for the default file in that directory."

The indication would be that there is a script file called Apple2 which is being executed at the source location instead of the Apple 2 page.

As you suggested SpeedyG perhaps Neon could contact his hosting site and detail the problem and see if they can remove the miscreant script(s).

Neon, if you edit the original URL and add the trailing slash this will provide a workaround for any new viewers of this thread.

Again I apologise as you have become a victim of another's trickery.

Having had a look at the real Apple 2 page you have some nice kit there, it's a pity your Microdrive card is sold I could do with another one of those Smile

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

I don't know if the HTML spec has changed, but accessing a directory with no ending slash would either display the contents of the folder or default to going to a file called index.html

The directory in question has an index.html file and shouldn't have a problem with or without a slash, but perhaps HTML specs have changed over the years.
I don't know.

Fwiw, I didn't claim integer had a virus, I just suggested that it was equally as likely an assumption.
I had no more or less reason to believe he had a virus than he did that I was a spammer.
An example. That's all.

I also read the FBI warning this morning and my IP came up green on their test, so I emailed my server for a scan.
The URL in question appears to work again now.
If it doesn't or redirects, please let me know.

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Hello all together at AF,

thankfully i acknowledge that we have all calmed down and i appreciate that IntegerROM and Neon Forests have both turned to peaceful communication .......

allthough we all together try to keep our communication with intagrity we allways should bear in mind that the struggle against botnets and viruses is a dog-catching-his-tail task....

in fact viruses in most cases have only become known in the public and to the virus-protection-systems after they have been released.... after their release they become identified with a time delay and then - when mailed to the anti-virus-services those companies have to sign-out a specific signature of the virus to identify the malware and - again after some time delay the signiture is distributed to the programs by updateservices causing another time delay ..... in most common cases these malware products can execute their harms to comunication for some 3 to 5 months before the antivirus-programs are able to detect them and probably provide a removal or protection sheme.....

this leeds up to the fact that really nobody can be sure that his system has complete integrity and we all have to be aware that every day hundreds of attacks are performed against the net - we just can keep our sensibility to this fact and try to react to such attacks by remembering the issues related with this malware and and recognize that realy everybody can become a victim of such attacks....

I´m happy that your both systems are not captured by that attack and that the communication has kept it´s integrity...
it seems that the providers are doing their work too, to keep their systems clean from malware....

finally to Neon Forests... I wish you good lusk with the sales and that you recieve the required amount ...
that hardware is for sure really very nice..... i´m really sorry that i´m to in the moment in the situation that i can´t afford a purchase....
that accelerator card from applied engineering is realy a excellent offer, same as the AD/DA cards....

sorry about the cause for the sale and i wish your child the best for the future and probably a person to donate some support for the treatment....

sincerely yours speedyG

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: Jan 18 2011 - 22:38
Posts: 52
Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Hi all,

Having received no good offers on these boards, I've listed them on Ebay.

Note: Ebay is slow updating their servers on new listings sometimes.

Here's the Transwarp II listing anyway:

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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Re: Apple II peripherals for sale

Good to see them go on ebay, you'll catch a wider range of potential buyers and maximize profits. Some sucker is always hanging around the corner.

I think some of the stuff is too high priced to move. Either way, we will see if they sell. If not drop the price and try again. But don't drop it too low either. There's some Apple 2 stuff I've been watching for years on there!

I've got an enormous amount of stuff that sooner or later I'm going to need to post there. It's just insane. And ebay has always quickly moved my valuable items. The few things it didn't I just throw out.

Best of luck!

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