Book Announcement: The New Apple II User's Guide

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Book Announcement: The New Apple II User's Guide

Lincoln, IL - Apr. 20, 2012 - David Finnigan and Mac GUI Vault announce today the first paperback book exclusively about the Apple II to be published in over a decade.

The New Apple II User's Guide, which is to be self-published on as a trade paperback book, includes over 650 pages. It is intended for all Apple II users, from the absolute beginner to the experienced veteran. The purpose of the book is to serve as a guide to all models of Apple II, and explain the basics of setup, programming, networking, and other specialized topics.

The first chapters deal with identifying each model of Apple and common peripherals and accessories. The next chapters are a complete introduction and coverage of how to program in BASIC. Further chapters detail advanced programming topics such as screen formatting, graphics, sound, and printing. The later chapters complete the book with specialized topics including the disk system, networking and the Internet, using the low-level machine monitor, and subjects specific to the Apple IIgs.

Many appendices hold miscellaneous information of use to programmers, including a summary of all BASIC and disk commands, error messages, ASCII charts and other tables, repair and troubleshooting tips, and how to use software to transfer disks to a modern computer. The book includes a full glossary and index.

No publication date is set, but Mr. Finnigan, the author, hopes for a May date. The book is expected to sell for around $28.

The official book web site is offered in English:

and in French:

Mac GUI Vault, the creation of David Finnigan, is an online source for retro Apple II and Macintosh enthusiasts. It features a fully cataloged and searchable database of software files, pictures, text and PDF files, and Usenet posts. The site has become a popular destination, having over 100,000 visitors and over 50,000 files downloaded last year alone. The New Apple II User's Guide is its first physical product offering.

Mr. Finnigan may be contacted by email:


Dog Cow's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Posts: 554
Re: Book Announcement: The New Apple II User's Guide

Official now: The publication date is 18th June 2012! Watch the count-down at the book web site (URL in first post of this topic).

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Re: Book Announcement: The New Apple II User's Guide

Cool! Smile

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