Best place to sell several Apple IIs? They include Apple IIc, IIc+, IIe, and IIgs.

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Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 2 2006 - 07:33
Posts: 38
Best place to sell several Apple IIs? They include Apple IIc, IIc+, IIe, and IIgs.

A few years back, I went on a nostalgia binge and ended up with several old Apple IIs, along with some wonderful accessories (joysticks, Ramworks and serial cards, monitors, & disk drives), as well as some software. Some acquaintances, hearing what I was up to, gave me a couple, too! Almost all of them are running well and look quite good.

While I'll still probably hang on to one of the systems, I'm interesting in finding them happy homes, at a low price (I'm sure someone could buy them and turn them around to make some $, too).

Of course, the biggest problem is boxing and shipping--and doing that one computer at a time!

So, what would be great would be to find someone --or several people--or a tech dealer who'd be interested in buying several of them at a nicely discounted price. Good deal for them, less hassle for me! Local pick up is obviously easiest thing.

Any ideas of where the best place is to sell them? Or, who might be interested in a bunch of old Apple IIs or accessories?

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 18:53
Posts: 906
Re: Best place to sell several Apple IIs? They include ...

...The best place? As you suggested, for saving shipping costs, it's in your own town. So tell everyone which city you're in and if there's someone interested here, they're more likely to ask you. For the best price on some small items, you might stick with ebay, but that does take a bit of research to find the relative worth of an object. Good luck!

Mutant Pie

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