Airburst Extreme Progress
Submitted by deadfish on January 28, 2004 - 11:46pm
Well being as how the Developer Diary on uDevGames has been down for some time. And being as how this forum has been cleared out- I though I'd start a treat on AB Extreme's progress here. I've been a (twice) registered user of Airburst for some time now and I'm really looking forward to the release of the most anticipated games since Toysight!
the sites should be propagate
the sites should be propagated to most ISPs by now. Watch out for things like your browser cache not being cleared though (or as we found out, if you're using OnSpeed to speed up your dialup, it caches too).
Still not working, even after
Still not working, even after emptying cache. Explorer doesn't work either.
If it's relevent, my ISP is Atlas.
OK, screw that. After empt
OK, screw that.
After emptying my cache twice in a row, it worked. Nice site...
Also, I put in me order at Freeverse. $11 for shipping? WHY a US publisher, guys? WHY?
Ah, who cares, it's £5. That's about an hours pay...