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I'm in the midst of putting together another of my Frankintoshes - this time wedging a G4 Mini into the body of an Apple //c. One of the finishing touches I'd like to add is video out to an original Apple monitor. The model I have is a 9'' green monochrome like this one:
Using schematics from this site - - I built an adapter which seems to work at 640x480@60Hz, with one glaring problem.
As you can see from this photo - - i'm having issues with the horizontal sync. The picture seems to be clear, but shifted horizontally.
Does anyone here have a suggestion for how to adjust either the monitor or the adapter I've built to connect the Mini's output to monochrome RCA?
the point is issued at the site, where there is stated: you have to set the right ( i.e. correct ) data for the display...
i.e. the problem is the fixed timing of the monitor... you have to get down the timing parameter to 15 kHz instead of the usual low-limit set to 30 kHz.... i.e. with normal VGA monitor connected to the G4 set output to "non-standard-apple-monitor" or something like Video-seven multi-sync-monitor and thereafter the choice of the video-mode must be set to 640 x 480 at 15 kHz. then reconnect to FBAS-Monitor and enjoy...
by the way... you realy got me amazed with that idea... gosh ! slaughtering a G4.... transplantation of the guts into a IIc coat.... thats really "Dr. Frankenfurter" at his best... Rocky Horror Picture Show in the tombs of Apple and all together mixed up ! WOW ! It would be neat to get soma pictures of the "operation session" at the IIc body.... what´s with the keyboard or the internal floppy ? What was placed instead ? and how ?
assuming from that - had there been some kind of "pre-transplantational-experiences" made like "power-mac in a IIe" or similar ?
He took the gut from a G4 Mac Mini and put that inside the IIc case, so there is more than enough room to spare. Here's a link to a site with a article, and pic, about a Mac Mini being put inside a Disk II case:
speedyG - there are "in progress" shots on my flickr page here:
and as for my previous Frankintoshes, there are some others documented there as well. share and enjoy
yep. the G4 in the DiskII was me, too
I've got it working!
SwitchResX activates a bunch of resolutions that normally aren't available unless the monitor is "detected", including NTSC and PAL refresh rates. (
I´m glad its solved and off the table....
and thanks for the links ... its great.... it remebers me in a special way to some other people in japan that started to build valve-amplifiers in the strangest cases ... like a valve-amplifier for headphone in a toaster.... no limits to creativity ... !
build complete:
Another fantastic build. Well done.