Hey Everyone -
I'd really like to buy a *Stereo* Sound Output-Enabling Card for a Slot on the Motherboard of my Apple IIgs ROM 3's CPU. Ideally, I'd like this *Stereo* Sound Output-Enabling Card to enable Speech as well, but this additional (Speech) capability is not necessarily essential for me.
This *Stereo* Sound Output-Enabling Motherboard Card must(!) have been engineered *specifically* for the Apple IIgs. (Unfortunately, this *Stereo* Sound Output-Enabling Motherboard Card can not have been engineered initially for any previous Apple II model computer(s) (e.g.s. for the //e and ][+), and then just be automatically *compatible* with the Apple IIgs).
I've already been trying to use an original Mockingboard card engineered for the Apple //e Enhanced computer (i.e. from 1986, just before the Apple IIgs was released), but in most instances this Apple //e Enhanced-intended Mockingboard Card does not work *at all*(!) inserted in any of my Apple IIgs ROM 3 CPU's motherboard slots.
A well-known brand, such as a Mockingboard Card (specifically for the Apple IIgs), or an Applied Engineering Sonic Blaster Card (specifically for the Apple IIgs), that enables the Apple IIgs ROM 3 to produce a genuine *Stereo* Sound Output (differing sound signals sent to the right versus to the left externally-connected to it 2 speakers) (ideally, but not necessarily, plus an Apple IIgs-Specific Speech-Enabling Capability).
But I'd welcome the chance to consider buying any brand (or brand-less) *Stereo* Sound-enabling card engineered specifically for the Apple IIgs (which ideally also, but doesn't necessarily need to, enable Speech production specifically for the IIgs as well) for an Apple IIgs ROM 3 CPU's motherboard (including a welded-onto this-Card 3.5 mm "Sony Walkman-style" little round speaker cable 3.5 mm plug connection port).
If you have any such Card that you believe is or might be a fit for what I need, and would be open to selling it to me, I'd really appreciate it!
If so, if possible please send me a personal e-mail at my AppleFritter private e-mail account, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. (My AppleFritter Screen Name is: redustair).
Thanks very much!
Best Regards -
In the meantime i´ve completed research... this link should solve your problem...
this card is a remake of the most common version to the IIGS and due to the fact that it had been reengineered
it should be resolving the issues you might have been facing....
regards speedyG
SpeedyG is absolutely correct, with one exception: Reactive Micro is not selling anything at the moment. It changed hands a few months ago and will not resume selling any items until after the first of the year.
As they say...Good things come to he who waits.
Hey Steven -
Thanks for the heads-up about that suggested Web site that it sounds if it had its Items in stock, and was running correctly, could offer a Mockingboard that would solve the sound problem that I've been having with the Apple IIgs ROM 3.
Regards -
you need the Sonic Blaster from Applied Engineering.
those mocking board retro cards are not going to give you the results you seek.
Sonic Blaster or BUST... accept nothing else.
I'm speaking from experience.
I too need a Sonic Blaster!
So hard to find these days.
See http://drew2gs.com/ for the Drew ][ TDX stereo card. I have a 1.0 card and am totally happy with it.
It is stereo-only though - no speech hardware.
that looks pretty awesome. I may need to try one of these!
I'm not to worried about the lack of input. Just seeking the Stereo Sound.
thanks for the link!