Cassette Interface Ipod touch cable question.

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Cassette Interface Ipod touch cable question.

i need an audio cable to make work the ipod touch 3rd generation with cassette interface for apple1 made by Mike Willegal. I have found an article of Wendell Sender that speaks about ipod inteface to Apple 1 Cassette Board and it explain well that is needed a camble that have in the jack the output from base to tip Mic-Gnd-Right-Left or andav cable that have over the jack the output Right-Gnd-Video-Left. I have found same cable but none tells in the specification the output. So I ask you if this cable found on ebay can work:

Ipod AV Cable 1

Ipod AV cable 2


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Re: Cassette Interface Ipod touch cable question.

I have a feeling with this "no-name" cables you may need to buy one and use a continuity tester or ohm meter to check them. I think if the plug housing is plastic right up to the actual rings you won't have the potential short Wendell mentions could be a problem (though he said some well placed tape would help).

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Re: Cassette Interface Ipod touch cable question.

So this is an iPod video cable that works on any iPod with video or photos up until the touch and the iPhone. I checked with a continuity tester and this should work. Can't read Italian on the ebay listings you posted but if they are regular cables you are fine. The touch and iPhone cables plug into the 30 pin connector.


and here is the thing to look out for (as per Wendell's site)... My cable has extra connector showing at the bottom, if you are using an iPhone or touch it will short out to the metal case unless you use some tape or "paint" to protect the video connector part of the plug from touching the case. I plan on using a classic iPod for mine so it won't be a problem until Cameron or someone else gets their iOS Apple I app going. Then I'll use some tape or paint to insulate the connector.


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Re: Cassette Interface Ipod touch cable question.

Thank you Corey986 : )
Only a question, you say that for the ipod touch i need the 30 pin connector not the jack is it right?

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Re: Cassette Interface Ipod touch cable question.

No the iPod touch's video is now in the 30 pin. So don't get a video cable for the touch. Get one for a regular ipod. For Audio in/out, you use the headphone socket using the older video cable for a non-touch. Instead of video you will have the left,right and the yellow will now be microphone. just keep in mind what I showed in the picture about shorting out the cable on the metal case. If you have one of those rubber thin cases it may prevent that or you can use tape or paint.


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Re: Cassette Interface Ipod touch cable question.

Ok i will try the no name cable : ).


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