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Leografix's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

In general I noticed that nearly no 68 pin drive works well in an older Mac when a 68 pin to 50 pin adapter is used with the internal SCSI connector. Just with dedicated PCI controllers like the ones from Adaptec and else they are doing very well most of the time. In later "new world" Macs up to the early beige G3 models it also depended to with of the SCSI channels You have connected a drive. In some Macs the internal channel had to be terminated, in others not. I might be wrong here but I had the impression that 68 pin drives at least worked a bit better in PowerPC Macs than in 68k Macs.
I once tried to use a 68 pin drive with 50 pin adapter in a Quadra 700 - guess what: the drive wasn't even noticed (although formatted in another PowerPC Mac with the "patched" Apple drive utility). The same drive later on was noticed in my 6100, the 9600 and in external cases when connected to PowerPC Macs.
While using Macs for more than 20 years by now I tended not to use Quantum drives anymore, especially when 68 pin models got through my hands. Regarding 68 pin drives I was very satisfied with IBM drives, some HPs and even a few Seagates.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

Leo and all,


Some of the 700 Meg 50 Pin "Apple" drives have come in and I am going to try those first and then go back to these 68 Pin Atlas drives.

I have found the spec sheets for the Atlas drives and am going through thier set-up
one set of pins at a time. There should be some combination of jumpers that will let the 6100 and OS 8.5 recognize these drives.

If its one thing I like to do ( in small doses) its troubleshoot. Smile

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Re: Recently Interested...



I have a 50 Pin 500Megdrive hooked up to the first 6100.

I have the OS 8.5 CD comming up and I can start installation.

I get about 2/3 complete and then I get a Nastygram on the screen about not being able to load a folder/file called "Installation Tome" and installation stops.

I know the location of this folder/file (it looks like a puzzle piece. I do not know how to get rid of this thing so that I can complete the install.

I know enough to know when I don't know and its time for recommendations.

What can I do?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Smile

Leografix's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

I remember this KBA helped me sometimes with the same error:

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

Thanks Leo!

I printed out that page and will give all of the listed fixes a try later today.

I'll make sure to try the Cache card first. It just so happens that I did buy an external CD ROM unit and will try that too.

Steven Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...


Well, Pulling the cashe and using an external CD drive did not work, so I went to plam "D". I tried using OS 8.0 and....

It Worked!!! lol

One drive down. Now I am going to try OS 8.6 on the next drive to see what happens.
Experimentation with older systems and OSs can be a pain in the tucas, but very satisfying when you get all thr planets to align. Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...


1. I receive an error message telling me that I cannot load OS 8.6. I'll have to write down the complete message so I can show it here.

2. I tried OS 8.5 on the 700 Mb HD and still get the message about the "Installation Tome" not being read, so I'm going to try my external CD to load it.

3. On top of everything else my everyday PC imploded this eveing and I am using my laptop to write this. I'm going to wipe the HD and start from scratch tomorrow.

Its kinda like the Morton Salt slogan: "When it rains; It pours." Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...


1. Well, with everything else going on right now I have set the 6100s aside, although progress is being made to get them all operational and the Operating Systems updated.

2. It took me almost the entire week to get my regular PC back up to snuff.

3. Over at A2Central, Sean Fahay has written a little article about the "NEW" Apple IIc's that have recently been placed up on eBay for sale. When you get the chance check it out.

4. My "OS 8.5 for Dummies" and "OS 8.5 Black Book" have come in and I and starting to cruise through them.

Thats it for now. Smile

Leografix's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

I thought about that error again...

Many (!) years ago I had the same troubles with an upgraded Performa 630 (saying OS 8.5 not being compatible with Apple's regular PPC upgrade cards as far as I remember). If I am not wrong there is another "workaround" by using a second hard drive.

You'll have to make a disk image of the 8.5 installation CD and save it as read / writeable within a 6.x DiskCopy. Open that image and locate "installation tome", copy that file to Your desktop (or floppy or whatever) and delete that tome from the mounted disk image. Save that image allowing the changes to it.
Now connect a second drive (one You'll place in Your Mac later on as boot volume), mount that modified image and start the installation off that mounted image onto the connected drive. Sooner or later it will mourn about a -> missing <- installation tome, so locate that one You saved before elsewhere.
If this throws You errors again, try to locate the application "TomeViewer" out in the internet (I will have to search my archives, I guess I have it somewhere). This application is able to actually open "installation tome" files. As far as I remember I did not make any changes to that file, I just opened it and closed it. Then mount that disk image again and copy the installation tome file You just opened with TomeViewer back to that in image in it's former location. Burn a bootable (!) CD off that image.

If I am not wrong in my memories this should help - at least it should tell You more about why it does not work.


gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

Thanks Leo! Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...


Nothing to report right now.
I've been taking care of a few "Life" situations and have yet to get back to the 6100s.

I did have a good time last night at my 40th High School Reunion though. Reconnected with my past for a while and a bunch of really good friends. Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

Two to go.

This 6100 has no CDROM unit, but it just so happens that I picked up a SCSI 50 Pin 12x Speed CDROM from ebay last month, so it's on with the show.

The other two are completed (for now) and put away.

The next project is preparing the G5 Tower for use as my daily computing unit. I already bought extra RAM and some Cross-Platform software so I can use my Microsoft Office Suite, plus all the rest of the PC type software that I use on a daily basis.

This will be a new one for me. lol Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...



I think that the CDROM in the other 6100 was having a hard time reading the CD.
I bought a 4xCDROM, installed it into the last 6100 this evening, loaded up the OS 8.5 CD, and then started her up. Started the install and then...Lo and Behold it completed the install!!! Smile

This completes the first phase. The second phase is to do the same thing tomorrow evening with a 3.0 Gb Drive.

I am a Happy Camper. Smile

smileyranger's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

My "OS 8.5 for Dummies" and "OS 8.5 Black Book" have come in and I and starting to cruise through them.

Back when my Tangerine Clamshell was my main computer, The iBook for dummies kept me from going insane during my switch from windows 98-to os9...and later osX 10.3.9.

I think the hardest part for me was getting used to the fact that there was no start menu. :mac:

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...


LOL Yes, I know what you mean. The Mac OS starts up and voila your deep in it.

The problem I was having over the last couple of days was Naming the Hard Drive Volume.
I could not figure out how to change the name from "Untitled" to something else. So last night I pulled out the "Dummies" and the "OS 8.5 Black Book" and started looking.

I checked under everything in the index that I deemed a "Logical" location for the information, but it was not there.

As Mister Spock said: "Logic is a little bird; singing in the tree. It is a pretty flower that smells bad."

After about an hour I almost stopped and gave up, but I went back though the Hard Disk section again page by page and finally found it.

I get to try out my new found bit of wisdom this evening when I initialize and name a 3.0Gb Hard drive. Smile

Leografix's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

The "good" old CDROM problems... I should have thought of that earlier! Nevertheless, congratulations to Your success!

I've been working now many years within OS X and had only very less time to play around with my old systems. Some days ago I set up my one Twentieth Mac with OS 9.2.2 and BeOS 5 Pro (can't tell You why, I always liked BeOS). It was some sort of "oh, now I remember"-effect in many aspects. I fear I will have to re-learn some of my other boxes when I am starting them up again...

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

Update 14Oct11:

Good Evening All,

Well, Ive put the 6100's to bed for now. Time to change the lineup for a while.
I pulled out my Color Classic...DRT (Dead Right There). I'm not sure what can be wrong, but it refuses to power on, period.
I started to pull it apart to check the Logic and Analog boards, but there seems to be no quick fried components on either, so I placed it on hold.

I pulled out my Mac Classic II...also DRT, except that every once in a while it would show signs of at least the screen coming to life (but it looked wierd), but then would stop. I placed it on hold for now too.

I admit...this is my first shot at working on the 68xxx clas Macs and even though i have the manuals on these machines, I'm a newbie.

Any suggestions on what I should be looking for on both units are appreciated.

I bought a G5 Dual 1.8 GHz a while back. The Hard Drive has been wiped and I'm getting ready to put OS X (Leopard) on it. That will probably happen this weekend. This G5 will be my Spare as my G5 Dual 2.0 GHz is going to become my everyday user to replace my long suffering Dell machine. I have bought Mac software to be able to use my existing PC software when I'm finally ready to shift over. Smile

eeun's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

I remember reading advice about the Colour Classic regarding its power manager. Leaving it plugged in, rear switch on, but in a shut down state overnight was recommended for some startup issues. I Forget if the CC is one of those Macs requiring a good PRAM battery.

gsmcten's picture
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Yeah. I was up early this morning (0500) going through the 68XXX Forum posts and perusing links to different sites and blogs from other folks who have had the same problems I have right now. There are varying views on what the causes are and fixes with all sorts of results. I have set the Classic II and the Color Classic aside for right now and am in the process of upgrading the RAM on my G5 Tower. I also added a USB card and I'm getting ready to install Virtual PC 7 (with Windows XP Pro included).

Once I get all of this completed I'm going to finally be switching out my PC for the G5.
This will be a bit different from what I'm used to, but what the hey,right? You have to try something new to keep your mind from withering. LOL Smile

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Re: Recently Interested...


-Virtual PC 7 is loaded up on the G5 and so is MS Office 2003. Encountered no problems.

-A couple more tweaks and I should be switching out the PC for the G5 and getting the
printer and WD External 500 Gig HD attached.

-Next on the list...Go back to the Color Classic and take her down to parade rest. Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

Yumpin' Yiminy Batman!

Man...When it rains, it pours. I installed 2 more Gig of RAM into the G5, then I installed Virtual PC 7, then I installed Microsoft Office 2003 and everything checked out fine.

Removed the Dell, installed the G5, got everything set up including my WD 500 Gig MyBook Drive, then went to install my printer software and about halfway through the machine stopped installation.

I backed out of Virual PC, restarted the computer and then went back into Virtual PC to start Windows XP Pro and started having all kinds of problems.

I am not sure how to remove Windows XP and Virual PC, so I can start from scratch as I am not that familiar with the Mac OS. That's right...I'm a complete newbie and I admit it.

So, if all you gurus have a suggestion, a comment, or even a Gibbs style slap on the head, it would be greatly appreciated. Smile

And yes, I'm back to using the Dell until I get this resolved.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

OK Folks...

I just found out that my Dell V305 All-In-One will not work with my Mac G5 Tower.

Dell, in thier infinite wisdom does not make drivers for Macs.

So here is the question:

What companies make AIO units that I can purchase for my Mac?

Any and all help would be appreciated.

Steven Smile

themike's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

I've always liked HP's units.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

Thanks Mike. Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...


I loaded up OS 10.5 (Leopard) on my other 1.8 Gig G5 Tower and she runs like theres no tomorrow. The only problem encountered was when I went to hook up to the Internet, I had to do Manual Settings instead of Automatic.

I'm definitely becoming a Mac Addict. lol Smile

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Recently Interested...

New Years Update:


-Most everything has been placed on hold for now.
-Since my Dad passed away, I've been going over to Mom's and helping her out with all kinds of paperwork and stuff that she needs to get done and at the same time looking for employment. This means that buying a Mac compatible AIO Printer is on indefinite hold.
-This in turn places me behind on putting my Mac G5 a my First String computer.
-It also means that I have to wait to get the software (or anything else) I wanted to get for the Mac.
-Kinda tough when you're on a fixed income.
- I figure things will get better soon. I just gotta keep thinking Positive. Smile


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