Macintosh ED - Geographic Regions with Plenty of Them?

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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Feb 10 2011 - 01:57
Posts: 7
Macintosh ED - Geographic Regions with Plenty of Them?

I've got a Mac ED on the way from Holland to Pennsylvania. It appears there are quite a few EDs in some European countries, although they never seem to show up in the US. For those of you from countries other than the US, how plentiful are these computers in your part of the world?

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Last seen: 11 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 4 2010 - 01:47
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Re: Macintosh ED - Geographic Regions with Plenty of Them?

Have only ever seen pictures online of ED model with 220-240V power supply.

Have never seen an example here in Australia while we still have plenty of Pluses and 512k's around.

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
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Re: Macintosh ED - Geographic Regions with Plenty of Them?

I live in western Canada and have been collecting since 2003 still haven't come across one.


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Re: Macintosh ED - Geographic Regions with Plenty of Them?

Hey fellow 'Fritters',
I to am a collector of early Macs. If you've never seen a Mac ED check this out:
( ). Apparently this guy doesn't know what he has- maybe someone could offer him some $$green to purchase it?
I to am hoping to find a Mac ED!
Here is another pic of a Mac ED: (

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Last seen: 11 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 4 2010 - 01:47
Posts: 40
Re: Macintosh ED - Geographic Regions with Plenty of Them?

The subject of the Macintosh ED has also recently been discussed over on the 68kmla forums

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