Emac not Booting no lights

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crazy jermy's picture
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Emac not Booting no lights


I think this is the right forum, but I have a emac that isn't booting. I plugged it in and press the power button, nothing... No lights, sounds, or pictures. Does anyone know what is wrong, I would like to know. Is so what do I need to do to fix it.

cwsmith's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 hours ago
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PRAM battery?

If the machine has been sitting unplugged for an extended period (more than a few weeks), then the PRAM chip will have to draw from the backup battery instead of trickle power from the wall. Once the PRAM battery is low, the data on the PRAM chip becomes scrambled.

Since the PRAM chip contains important data the Mac needs at boot (what day is it? what time is it? what disc should I boot from? what screen resolution should I use? etc.), a low PRAM battery can cause serious problems. By removing the PRAM battery and pressing the reset button on the logic board, we can at least set the PRAM chip to factory defaults (Aug 27, 1956; midnight; internal hard drive; 1280x960; etc.) so the machine can boot normally.

You'll have to set the date & time under the System Preferences once you boot, and either Angel reset date & time every time the machine is removed from wall current, (b) set System Preferences to check a time server over the Internet, or (c) replace the PRAM battery with a fresh one from Radio Shack, Interstate Battery, or someplace similar.

If this *doesn't* fix the problem, report back and we'll try some other simple diagnostics before we panic.

crazy jermy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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no luck

Sorry, no luck. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that the previous owner bumped it really hard against some furniture and the back fell off? Oh and it also was really abused by them, all sorts of cosmetic damages are present, the back plastic was taped on and fell off, the speaker covers were gone and the keyboard and mouse were dirty beyond belief. Perhapes there are other things wrong, I will try to open it up.

crazy jermy's picture
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It's all broken

I managed to open the case. There are little pieces of glass scattered around. The switch that you use to turn on the computer the pins are bent. When you shake it can can hear things rattling around inside. I even found a bouncy ball that rolled out of the computer. There are brown marks on the inside of the white shell.

1) Can I bypass the switch to turn on the computer?

2) is it dangerous to work with this equipment

3) can I still turn it on even thought the monitor appears broken


Pictures: http://yfrog.com/j3img5012jqjx

cwsmith's picture
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Man, there ought to be a law ...

1) Can I bypass the switch to turn on the computer?

Practically speaking, not really. Access to the pins you'd need to short to switch the machine on would require running the machine without the cowl (you've been calling it the "back"), which would expose some extremely high-voltage parts. Not a good idea.

2) is it dangerous to work with this equipment

In a word, yes.

3) can I still turn it on even thought the monitor appears broken

I wouldn't recommend it.

I'd say at this point that you should salvage what parts might still be viable: the drives, the RAM, the logic board assembly. You might be able to help someone (maybe even yourself) breathe new life into another 1.25GHz eMac. Think of this one as an organ donor.

crazy jermy's picture
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it was worth a shot

Chuckle... oh well. It would have been nice if I could salvage this machine. It is my newest apple. Good thing I got it for free. Smile Maybe someday I will get enough parts to get it working.

BTW: I couldn't locate the hard drive when I opened it up, is it hard to find?

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Re: it was worth a shot

I couldn't locate the hard drive when I opened it up, is it hard to find?

It's on the back side of the logic board, basically opposite the spot where the RAM is visible.

crazy jermy's picture
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ok. In your opinion are free

ok. In your opinion are free emacs easy to come by?

cwsmith's picture
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Hard to say

These units did have an issue with leaky capacitors on the logic board. There are quite a few units out there that have perfectly good CRTs, but dead logic boards. Your logic board assembly might be all that's needed.

Your 1.25 GHz logic board assembly should fit all 1.25 and 1.42 GHz eMacs, and *some* 1 GHz eMacs. Note that your logic board will dictate the speed of the newly rebuilt machine: 1.25 GHz.

Also note that if you have *any* swollen or leaking capacitors on your logic board, that this project is dead in the water. I've seen as many as nine blown caps on a logic board, but all it takes is one. Capacitors look like little tiny soda cans. The flat circular side facing you should be flat and clean, not bulging or exhibiting any rust-colored stains.

A board *could* be re-capped with new capacitors by anybody with the right parts, the proper experience, a soldering iron, and the patience of Job, but finding the parts and the expertise is the trickiest part.

For the moment, we'll presume you have a live logic board. Check with local high schools and colleges (particularly design departments). You can also check with electronic recyclers, Craigslist, and Freecycle. There are some eMac carcasses around that should fit the bill.

We can rebuild him: we can make him better, faster, stronger.

crazy jermy's picture
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I will check the logic board

I will check the logic board tomorrow

crazy jermy's picture
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I feel so lucky, no leaks! I

I feel so lucky, no leaks! I just need to find the parts.

cwsmith's picture
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Great news!

[fingers crossed]

Keep us posted.

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I had an eMac with a missing switch. I just let the wire hang out through the hole where the switch used to be. It had a plug so to turn it on, I just shorted two of the contacts in the plug. It was a little inconvenient but just as I was planning on installing a switch, I came across a free dead eMac.Still, I did use it for a couple of months without a switch.


crazy jermy's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 73
It would be nice if I found a

It would be nice if I found a dead one too!

How did you rig up this solution? A push button switch? And to which wires?

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