I upgraded from 10.4.11 to 10.5.5 and can't find an area in Network Preferences that tells me what speed the dial up modem has connected. In 10.4.11 you would just open "Internet Connect" and it would show the speed (42,667 etc.).
If there is no longer a place that shows the speed is there an app or widget?
Noone? This is driving me crazy...doesn't anyone have any idea?
iStat Pro from iSlayer.com
Great Dashboard widget. Monitors temps, fans, processor load, etc. It has a section that shows all network connections and current speeds. My Airport connection currently shows 3.2 Mb/s downstream (downloading a 180MB RAR file in about 8 minutes).
Here's another solution: go to Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor. Open the utility and click the Network tab.
Thanks for the info but neither one shows the modem connection speed (like 42,667 or 48,000, etc.).
For instance, right now iStat Pro is showing under the network tab:
Internal Modem...
IP: xx.xx.xx.xxx
Time: 00:03:23
In 0kb/s (25kb)
Out 0kb/s (13kb)
and I apologize if I am missing something and it is showing it.
iStat's display shows the actual speed *when data is moving.* Try setting up a download (like another Dashboard widget, a large picture, a (paid) .MP3, etc. and get a reading while the data is moving.
Activity Monitor's network tab will give a "history" of about the last minute's activity, and a "peak" reading for this connection session.
Didn't tiger use to display the connection speed (when the network icon was shown on the menu bar) on the menu bar in OS X ?
Its been so long since i have had dialup i forgot most of the info on displaying it.
I don't know about the menu bar but when you used the "internet connect" app in Tiger it would show what speed (e.g. 42,667, 48,000) and if you connected at something really low you would disconnect and try again.
The exact reason I am asking if there is a place in Leopard.
The two suggestions (Activity Monitor and iStat) don't show this info. If they do it has to be deciphered. As I am typing this iStat shows:
In: 0kb/s (436KB)
Does that mean 43,6xx?