PowerBook 100 Capacitor Replacement

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Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 26 2003 - 16:21
Posts: 299
PowerBook 100 Capacitor Replacement

My Powerbook 100 works, except for a small problem where the screen doesn't show up. I have found out that this is being caused by 8 small electrolytic capacitors on the back of the LCD which have ALL leaked. I have cleaned up the mess, but the capacitors don't work (no picture on LCD).

I need to know the type of capacitor to replace them with. They are all marked "3.3 3.5V" and the polarity is noted below that. Can I use anything that is greater than this? E.G. would a 16V 33uF capacitor work as a suitable replacement? or should I get the voltage as close as possible (6.3V 47uF)?



coius's picture
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there should be

A model/type/serial # on the Caps. If you can, Take one to a radio shack and have a tech look it up. I would think that it should be as close to the original Caps. as possible. if it goes to use the Cap. it could prob get a surge.

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The voltage listed on the cap

The voltage listed on the cap is the voltage at which the dielectric breaks down. So it does not hurt to go over.

I always get confused when reading the values on the caps but I think 33uF is correct.

aladds's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 26 2003 - 16:21
Posts: 299
So a 16V 33uF cap is the type

So a 16V 33uF cap is the type to get?

bengi's picture
Last seen: 12 months 1 hour ago
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Posts: 80
a replaced the 8 capacitors...

... and the screen now appears: no longer the dreaded dark blue screen. Then I tested this good LCD with some of the spare logic boards that I have in the basement (http://homepage.mac.com/bengi/PhotoAlbum50.html) and I got the dark blue screen, so it means that the same symptom is shared by two different problems: the 8 caps behing the LCD and something else in the LoBo.
Anybody has gone deeper in this thing?

bengi's picture
Last seen: 12 months 1 hour ago
Joined: Aug 2 2005 - 16:02
Posts: 80
Re: a replaced the 8 capacitors...

the two 16 volts, 19 uF, in front of the dispay cable connector on the logic biard, seems indeed responsible: I replaced them and the screen is back to life,


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