PowerBooks w/ADB & USB . . .

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Oddball's picture
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PowerBooks w/ADB & USB . . .

. . . were any ever made?

. . . or were USB cards made for a PB with ADB already on it?

I'll admit to getting lazier w/age, but I topped out on the 1400c & don't have an overpowering urge to peruse the docs on much of anything more recent . . .

. . . meaning the required PCI architecture of course.
I don't want to read about it . . . just wanna' HACKIT! =8-D

Any help out there, gang?

jt :?

cwsmith's picture
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None with both USB and ADB

G3 Kanga
SCSI, ADB and Printer ports; 2 PCM/CIA card slots

G3 Wallstreet / G3 Mainstreet:
SCSI, ADB and Printer ports; 2 PCM/CIA card slots
This was the last PowerBook with an ADB port.

G3 Lombard
SCSI and USB ports; 1 PCM/CIA card slot
This was the first PowerBook with USB ports.

G3 Pismo
USB and FireWire ports; 1 PCM/CIA card slot; 1 internal AirPort slot

Conceivably you might be able to find a USB card to stick in a Kanga's or Wallstreet's card slot.

dankephoto's picture
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Blue and White . . .

was the only Mac with both.

Right, so portables - USB PCcard into yer 2400/3400, Kanga or WS, or an iMate (USB -> ADB) into _any_ post-WS 'Book's USB port.

dad k

Oddball's picture
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Re: Blue and White . . .

was the only Mac with both.

Right, so portables - USB PCcard into yer 2400/3400, Kanga or WS, or an iMate (USB -> ADB) into _any_ post-WS 'Book's USB port.

I've got an ADB peripheral whose pedigree precludes its adaptation to anything as pedestrian as a mere PRODUCTION PB mobo! Wink

I was under the impression that my borken 3400's PCMCIA slot wasn't up to implementing USB.

IIRC, the 2400 (not hackable IMHO, unless I get a busted one, of course!) was the first equipped with the required CardBus subsystem for USB adaptation.

Was I mistaken?

jt :?

p.s. Dr. Bunsen over at the barracks noted that even some of the later PCI 'Books retained internal ADB subsystems for operation of their TrackPads. Is this true?

p.p.s. said peripheral has the necessary keyboard/palmrest, a spherically correct pointing device and a nifty right angle adapted ADB connector cable, BTW!

p.p.p.s. "dad k?" . . . got kid?

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Another alternative...

p.p.s. said peripheral has the necessary keyboard/palmrest, a spherically correct pointing device and a nifty right angle adapted ADB connector cable, BTW!

If the goal here is to use an ADB keyboard/mouse/whatever with a "modern" Mac you might try looking for One Of These. They're discontinued but you can probably find one if you look hard enough.

Otherwise, Here's a link about using Cardbus on a 3400. Basically, the 3400 has a cardbus-compatible controller chip, but the physical sockets are only PCMCIA compliant. So you can jam a Cardbus card in there but it won't be properly grounded, and slight dimensional issues with the slots means you might bend/break something forcing it in. (because of the ground plane Cardbus cards are slightly fatter.)


Oddball's picture
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Re: Another alternative...

p.p.s. said peripheral has the necessary keyboard/palmrest, a spherically correct pointing device and a nifty right angle adapted ADB connector cable, BTW!

If the goal here is to use an ADB keyboard/mouse/whatever with a "modern" Mac you might try looking for One Of These. They're discontinued but you can probably find one if you look hard enough.

Thanks, I've got a couple of them, but somehow it seems quite inappropriate for a Paladin Prototype Keyboard to be adapted to a PB Mobo, the reverse would me far more appropriate, IMHO.

Otherwise, Here's a link about using Cardbus on a 3400. Basically, the 3400 has a cardbus-compatible controller chip, but the physical sockets are only PCMCIA compliant.

Now THAT'S more like it! Shoehorning more modern technology into the old is much more along the lines of my hacking "sensibilities" (as if there were ever anything sensible about my pursuits in that area ::))

Once again, thanks for the info, eudi!

jt Wink

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Another alternative...

Thanks, I've got a couple of them, but somehow it seems quite inappropriate for a Paladin Prototype Keyboard to be adapted to a PB Mobo, the reverse would me far more appropriate, IMHO.

Somehow I'm not sure I grok the distinction, but whatever works for you. You could just as easily say that by using an iMate you're *adapting* USB to work with the keyboard.

Now THAT'S more like it! Shoehorning more modern technology into the old is much more along the lines of my hacking "sensibilities" (as if there were ever anything sensible about my pursuits in that area ::))

I'll admit I'm curious as to what you're intending to do here, but I suppose it'll wait until you post pictures of the finished product.


iantm's picture
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Re: Blue and White . . .

p.s. Dr. Bunsen over at the barracks noted that even some of the later PCI 'Books retained internal ADB subsystems for operation of their TrackPads. Is this true?

p.p.s. said peripheral has the necessary keyboard/palmrest, a spherically correct pointing device and a nifty right angle adapted ADB connector cable, BTW!

p.p.p.s. "dad k?" . . . got kid?

Actually, all mac portables up to the late 2004 iBooks and January 2005 PowerBook G4's were using adb for the trackpad. Everything since then has been USB. As for how to utilize it - I have no idea.

Oddball's picture
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Re: Another alternative...

Thanks, I've got a couple of them, but somehow it seems quite inappropriate for a Paladin Prototype Keyboard to be adapted to a PB Mobo, the reverse would me far more appropriate, IMHO.

Somehow I'm not sure I grok the distinction, but whatever works for you. You could just as easily say that by using an iMate you're *adapting* USB to work with the keyboard.

Now THAT'S more like it! Shoehorning more modern technology into the old is much more along the lines of my hacking "sensibilities" (as if there were ever anything sensible about my pursuits in that area ::))

I'll admit I'm curious as to what you're intending to do here, but I suppose it'll wait until you post pictures of the finished product.

I see you're not following the inevitable parallel thread over at the barracks, so:

This "ADB peripheral" wouldn't happen to be that Paladin keyboard would it? ;)

HEH! You betcha! Adapting some young whippersnapper of a PB to royalty of peripheraldom seems FAAARRRRR more appropriate than the other way around, in this case, don't you agree?

Got TELCO Rack . . .
Got galvanized steel KBD drawer half finished on aluminum contraption . . .
Got platinum/beige prototype KBD/Mouse, finally liberated from storage box tower after well over 5 years . . .
Got HP USB AIO Printer, Fax, Scanner . . .
Got Ethernet & wireless on said beast, but only got USB on HP Photo Printer . . .
Got 40" Roland CammJet 60 Plotter . . .
Got software for said MONSTER requiring serial input & dedicated CPU server . . .
= HackTime! =8-O

OOPS! I forgot to mention the required ADB Dongle for running the 5K$ worth of software to drive the CAMMJet over an LPT Printer Port adapted Mac Serial feed.

All of which was given to me by a friend back in a previous lifetime!

jt Wink

Oddball's picture
Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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Posts: 93
Re: Another alternative...

Thanks, I've got a couple of them, but somehow it seems quite inappropriate for a Paladin Prototype Keyboard to be adapted to a PB Mobo, the reverse would me far more appropriate, IMHO.

Somehow I'm not sure I grok the distinction, but whatever works for you. You could just as easily say that by using an iMate you're *adapting* USB to work with the keyboard.

Now THAT'S more like it! Shoehorning more modern technology into the old is much more along the lines of my hacking "sensibilities" (as if there were ever anything sensible about my pursuits in that area ::))

I'll admit I'm curious as to what you're intending to do here, but I suppose it'll wait until you post pictures of the finished product.

I see you're not following the inevitable parallel thread over at the barracks, so:

This "ADB peripheral" wouldn't happen to be that Paladin keyboard would it? ;)

HEH! You betcha! Adapting some young whippersnapper of a PB to royalty of peripheraldom seems FAAARRRRR more appropriate than the other way around, in this case, don't you agree?

Got TELCO Rack . . .
Got galvanized steel KBD drawer half finished on aluminum contraption . . .
Got platinum/beige prototype KBD/Mouse, finally liberated from storage box tower after well over 5 years . . .
Got HP USB AIO Printer, Fax, Scanner . . .
Got Ethernet & wireless on said beast, but only got USB on HP Photo Printer . . .
Got 40" Roland CammJet 60 Plotter . . .
Got software for said MONSTER requiring serial input & dedicated CPU server . . .
= HackTime! =8-O

OOPS! I forgot to mention the required ADB Dongle for running the 5K$ worth of software to drive the CAMMJet over an LPT Printer Port adapted Mac Serial feed.

All of which was given to me by a friend back in a previous lifetime!

Too many dongles in a chain = problems & iMate = dongle!

jt Wink

Eudimorphodon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
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Re: Another alternative...

I see you're not following the inevitable parallel thread over at the barracks, so:

No, I wouldn't be. I did just for the he** of it try signing up over there but I never got the activation email. So, well, not a whole lot of point in following the site.


gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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"The Barracks"????


What's this "Barracks" you keep mentioning? Another site?

Thanks Smile

Oddball's picture
Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: "The Barracks"????


What's this "Barracks" you keep mentioning? Another site?

Thanks :)

Nopro, sorry about that, I no longer have a link in my sig!


68k Macintosh Liberation Army = 68kMLA = forums = barracks

parallel thread=

jt =;-D

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