IIGS System Software Installation

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IIGS System Software Installation


I have a IIgs and System Software 6.0.1 and I'm having a bit of difficulty installing it properly. When I put the install disk in, it opens and asks me if I want to do an "Easy Update," or customized. Easy update is greyed out and asks me to put a new disk in. So I do and then I can select Easy Update and everything installs (after flipping disks back and fourth a million times since I only have one 3.5 drive). So then I guess that new disk I created is my startup disk. Well, the installation never asks me for the Synthlab or fonts disks. So those features aren't installed. Also, when I try to run programs, it tells me I don't have certain elements installed (025 or something). So I put the install disk back in and clicked custom and selected synthlab and other things and it asks me for the startup disk. It then tells me that there is not enough room on the disk left to install those features.

How do I get my system set up like it would have originally come, able to open and run programs, and with all features (like SynthLAB) installed? It's nice to finally see the GUI that hasn't run on the computer in probably 18 years, but I cannot run any programs.

I have several of the original paper manuals, the main IIgs operating guide, the System Software info book (which doesn't include anything about installing it, just using it), and some other manuals.

Thanks for any help,

magnusfalkirk's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 31 min ago
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RE: IIGS System Software Installation

When you're creating a System Disk on a 3.5 disk the Install disk won't ask for the Font disks because there isn't enough room on a 3.5 for any additional fonts, other than the system font. SynthLab is a completely separate program that can be run from System 6.0.1 but isn't part of the system.

Since you say you see the desktop then you are getting a 3.5 System disk configured exactly as it would have been originally. Which programs is it that you aren't able to run? Some of the original software for the GS came with bootup software installed on the program disk. Also which ROM version of the GS do you have? Depending on which one it is you can free a little more space, to add some other tools, on the System disk by removing either the TS2 or TS3 file in the System.Setup folder inside the System folder.

That's just a few things off the top of my head. Hope this helps,

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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Posts: 21
Thanks Dean! My GS is a ro

Thanks Dean!

My GS is a rom 3.

When I try to run SynthLab, or any other program, I get the error message: "This Application Needs Tool025 in the System: Tools folder."

My desktop doesn't have anything like a calculator, puzzle, or any of the other things that it says it should have in the owners manual. I don't think it's the full GS/OS. It seems kind of limited in what you can do.

Is it possible to actually install a program to the startup disk, like, have folder with application names and then when you click on it, it asks you to insert that application's disk? How would I do this?


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Last seen: 9 hours 31 min ago
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Re: Thanks Dean!

Thanks Dean!

My GS is a rom 3.

When I try to run SynthLab, or any other program, I get the error message: "This Application Needs Tool025 in the System: Tools folder."

My desktop doesn't have anything like a calculator, puzzle, or any of the other things that it says it should have in the owners manual. I don't think it's the full GS/OS. It seems kind of limited in what you can do.

Is it possible to actually install a program to the startup disk, like, have folder with application names and then when you click on it, it asks you to insert that application's disk? How would I do this?


First you should go into the System Setup folder and delete the TS2 file, it's only used by ROM 01 GSes. Then you'll need to copy Tool025 from Disk Tools 1, I believe, into the Tools folder on your System disk. After that reboot the computer and you should be able to run SynthLab or any other program that has been complaining about the lack of Tool025.

Unfortunately, unless you have a hard drive, a Microdrive or some other Mass Storage device you won't be able to get anything like the calculator or puzzle or anything else on the same disk as the System software.

Did you download your copy from online or is it something you've had for years? Just curious.


Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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Deleted the TS2 file. Copied

Deleted the TS2 file. Copied Tool025. Rebooted. Now, the computer makes me switch between the boot disk and whatever program I'm trying to run a couple times. Then it attempts to load the program. Then, The screen is divided in horizontal black and blue bars, about an inch and a half wide. Then I pressed enter to see what would happen. Then this weird guttural sound/rhythm plays on the synth card. And then it just sits there.

In the manual for System Software I have, it shows all of the disks, and also talks about the startup disk. It has this whole section about exploring the finder and system software and tells to click on the apple and then the calculator or puzzle game. So it seems it came configured from the factory somehow with all of these features installed. My OS just seems so empty. There's like nothing there.

My disks have been downloaded from the internet.


Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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Now I secifically tried to ru

Now I secifically tried to run SynthLAB and it had me switch the disks back and fourth a couple times, and then froze Sad

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Also, different programs are

Also, different programs are all asking for different tools. This system, albeit a little simple, couldn't have been that bad when it came out that you have to swap out tools in order to run different programs. I'm sure it at least functioned. Something is wrong.

magnusfalkirk's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 31 min ago
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Re: Also, different programs are

Also, different programs are all asking for different tools. This system, albeit a little simple, couldn't have been that bad when it came out that you have to swap out tools in order to run different programs. I'm sure it at least functioned. Something is wrong.

Do you have any additional memory in the GS beyond the 1.125MB that came with it? If you do then you can configure a RAM disk to run the system software from. If not then you're stuck.

Unfortunately with only 1 3.5 drive you do have to do a LOT of disk swapping to get programs to run. You might want to look into getting a second drive from eBay, or someplace else.

What other programs are you having trouble running? You might want to check how much space you left on your 3.5 system disk and see if you can install some of the other tools you need on it.

I can always check my 3.5 system disk and tell you what tools are installed on it so you ca compare yours to mine. I'll have to do it later as I'm at work right now and won't be home for about 6 hours yet.


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No, I don't have any addition

No, I don't have any additional memory. But what I cannot understand is why the computer (or at least my model if you're saying my OS is installed properly) can't run any programs, whatsoever.

I don't really mind the disk swapping that much, but I can't understand why nothing will function. Why do I have to keep installing tools to run programs? Shouldn't they be there default? You should at least be able to run SynthLAB by default since it's part of GS/OS.

No program will run. I tried to run SoundSmith and now it's asking for tool035, which does not exist on any of my disks.

I doubt the majority of people who bought this computer had anything other than the computer itself, and one 3.5" and one 5.25" drive. This is what it says in the manual. It also says to click on the apple and run the calculator and puzzle and whatnot. That doesn't exist on my GS/OS.

So essentially, I'm asking, what is the proper process of installing GS/OS as standard as possible so that at least one program will run?

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Last seen: 9 hours 31 min ago
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SynthLab really isn't part of the GS/OS operating system, it's a music program that Apple created for the GS that runs under GS/OS 6.0.1. If it were really part of the operating system you'd need it installed to run GS/OS and you don't.

I just checked an 800k system disk image I have on an Apple IIGS emulator at work. Here is the list of tools on that system disk: TOOL014, TOOL015, TOOL016, TOOL018, TOOL019, TOOL020, TOOL021, TOOL022, TOOL023, TOOL025, TOOL027, TOOL028 and TOOL034. When I put the disk image for SynthLab in the emulator it ran fine and I noticed a copy of TOOL035 on the SynthLab disk.

I don't have the calculator or puzzle or any of that in my system either. It would have been nice if Apple had explained that you need a hard disk to use those types of things with GS/OS.

If you'd like I can e-mail you a copy of the disk image I'm using on my emulator, and if you've got ADT or ADTPro, you can transfer it to a real 800k disk and try it out in your GS.


Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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That would be so great! Than

That would be so great! Thank you for all your help Smile


magnusfalkirk's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 31 min ago
Joined: Feb 18 2007 - 11:46
Posts: 335
Re: That would be so great! Than

That would be so great! Thank you for all your help Smile


E-mail sent with disk image attached. Once you have the image turned into a real disk you can remove the TS2 file in the System Setup folder and that will leave you with about 50k so you can add one or two other tools you might need.

Hope it helps.


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