Does anyone know where I can get the original software for my Apple Colorone 600/27 Scanner? I'm looking for the Onescanner dispatcher software, Xerox text to bridge 3.0 ocr software and the photoshop plug-in. I've looked on the net for hours with no luck, any help is greatly appreciated!
Found the Dispatcher software for you. You can grab it here:
I put both .img files into a .zip file. You can use the disk images to build floppies with the installer for the Dispatcher software.
Thank you very much for the reply but when I try to access the link it says access denied.
Just tested and it works for me.
Did you paste Dr. Webster's link directly into your browser?
Try this link, which should start the download just by clicking on it.
The link worked great, thank you very much!!
Thanks again, can you please tell me what program I will need to convert/mount the image.
Thank you
If you can get the image files themselves onto a machine running the classic Mac OS, you can either mount both images directly (if the machine they're on happens to be the one you want to install the software on), or you can use Disk Copy to build floppy disks from the images.
Thank you for your paitence, after I had made the disk image and clicked on them they came out looking like white papers with the corner folded, and when I clicked on them it said the application that created this can not be found.
What operating system are you trying to open the disk images with?
Thank you very much for all your help, I am trying to open the file with 9.1. I can get an image but when I try to open it there is a folder named OneScanner-Dispatcher-Disk 1 zO and a white paper titled
OneScanner-Dispatcher-Disk 2.img. If I double click on the folder there is a white paper titled OneScanner-Dispatcher-Disk 1.img and if I click on it the error is "The document "OneScanner-Dispatcher-Disk1.img" could not be opened because the application program that created it could not be found. Same thing with image 2. I am using Disk copy 6.1.3.
Help Please?
Disk Copy should be able to write the contents of those image files to floppy disks. I don't have a machine running OS 9, so I can't give you a step-by-step. You'll just need to poke around at the options in Disk Copy.
No matter what I try I keep getting the message
"The Mount Image Operation Did Not Complete.(-8816)
The file "OneScanner-Dispatcher-Disk1.img" does not have a recognized file type. I am using Disk Copy 6.3.2