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Virtual_thai's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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Latest creature: G4PC
Motherboard Intel D915GUX, 2x2Gb DDR2, SATA 260Gb, superdrive for Laptop with adapter.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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A nice, clean looking mod!

Are you planning to do a write-up for these photos?

I'd like to see how you mounted the motherboard. Did you drill new mounting holes?

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 20 2005 - 16:03
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I'm torn between thinking thi

I'm torn between thinking this is cool and feeling sorry for that poor Apple case. Somebody should make up a name for this mod--something with a tinge of irony. I really like the holes in the side for the PSU--gives it a turbocharged look--or maybe a floating pong square bouncing around the side (wouldn't that be cool--rig up a light show on the side of a case so it looks like a pong game going on all the time). Were you stuck on that PSU, even though the fan was on the wrong side? Was it in the plan all along, or just the only PSU you had available?

Virtual_thai's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: Jun 8 2004 - 15:14
Posts: 12

..."Did you drill new mounting holes?"
of course (it's not so easy!)

..."Was it in the plan all along, or just the only PSU you had available?"
I used an Enermax Liberty ATX12V Power Supply, and holes are necessary for internal fan...

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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Why use a laptop drive for th

Why use a laptop drive for these when the case is built to use 5.25" drive already? Is the power supply too long?

Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Jan 19 2005 - 23:30
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i was wondering the same thin

i was wondering the same thing actually... maybe its all he had lying around?

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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I think that is a 5.25" drive

I think that is a 5.25" drive. It looks like one of those Maxtor SATA half-height 5.25" drives. It's in there sideways. I'm guessing it's just sitting there, not actually mounted to the base.

Virtual_thai's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 12
DVD Drive

I used a laptop drive because the power supply connector is behind the drive.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jan 20 2005 - 16:03
Posts: 1433

5.25" hard drive. How stupid of me. Sorry, I had a brain f*rt. They happen (too often). The hard drive looks like it could be a 3.5" half height.

I had assumed from your name that you might be in Thailand, but checking your profile, I see you're in Italy. If I knew how to say "well done" in Italian, I'd say it.

Looking at the tracking in your profile, I see that the last time you posted here was almost five years ago when you showed your QuadraPC. Do you like to do this for the fun of seeing the confusion on people's faces when they turn on your Macs and find Windows running? Personally, I'd probably find that experience somewhat disheartening. I had VirtualPC once, but found I couldn't bear it. There are people now who buy Intel Macs with only Windows pre-installed. Good God, where is that mentality coming from? I now have three PC's in my house. I don't mind Windows so much as long as it stays in a PC.

Depending on the motherboard, you could install Mac OS on these machines, but that would violate the EULA, and of course, there's no way you'd be doing that, right? Wink

Virtual_thai's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 12

Because I hate Micro$oft software, I've installed a modified version of OSX for X86, iDeneb 1.4 (MacOSX 10.5.6).
I think these OSs are for techical pourposes only...
The EULA is only for the original one supplied by Apple, no?

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 24 2009 - 01:59
Posts: 6
I never feel right about any

I never feel right about any OSX86 distribution disks that you can download. I did a similar mod to yours, but I think mine is cleaner in some respects, and yours in others. I used a gigabyte EP45-DS3L motherboard, and set it up so the only ports that didn't fit in the G4's cutout area were the PS/2 ports, which I don't use. That way I didn't have to cut any of the plastic. In fact, the only plastic that I cut on the case was a little piece of the latch, and then I trimmed along the bottom of the side panel opposite from the door so that more air could go up in there. I kind of like the holes you drilled near the power supply though, I think you did a nice job on those. I was also able to find a few power supplies that have the plug in the right place so you don't have to cut that. I have a 600 watt in there right now and it fit perfect. Some of the cuts I did on the metal parts of my case suck, but you can't see them so I don't care. Then for the optical drive I put in a slim slot load one, and then replaced the door on the front with a piece of mesh screen with a cut out for the slot. I'm pretty happy with it. I installed retail 10.5 leopard on it when I first built it using a boot-132 method, and I just upgraded it to 10.6 using a retail disk and chameleon. Next I want to learn some plastic casting techniques and make new plastic panels that look original but allow for more power supplies etc.

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