I have a Mac LC III and a IIgs. Where can I get a 68k Mac ADT Pro that will run on on System 7? I also have a printer cable from an old StyleWriter II, can I use this to connect to my IIgs if I can get ADT Pro to run and if so how should I connect it (on both sides)?
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Well, you can't. The ADTPro (server) runs on Java, and requires a serial library that only has support for Macs running OSX. Fortunately, though, there is an older version of the ADT server that will run on 68k Macs: MacADT. If you go to the ADTPro download page, look for the dos-adt package, ADT 2007_2. That will contain MacADT.sit, which (once transferred and unpacked) will be the MacADT server that'll run on your LC III.
You'll need to run the plain ADT client, too - not the ADTPro one. ADT from 2006 and newer will have support for the IIgs modem port (older versions did not).
A "printer" cable is in fact wired like a null modem, so that's the one you'd need once you get the MacADT server running. Plug it into the modem port of both machines and you should be ready to go.
Thanks! I'll be trying this later on today.
I have it setup. I can send (painfully) ADT to the IIgs and get it to come up. I can successfully look at the contents of the transfer folder on the Mac LC III from the IIgs. When I try to move the ADT disk image to the IIgs (So I can make a 5.25" Disk) it fails to do anything and crashes with a beep. Last line it shows before it crashes to the * or ] prompt is "TESTING DISK FORMAT." I renamed the disk image "ADT.DSK" because the out of date program says to type that in (therefore not to screw myself up by reading that I just renamed it). I really hate this version of ADT for the Apple II. Every time it crashes I can't start it again I have to reset and retransfer at 900 freak baud! I mean come on! That's slower then Vista's file transfer!
When you get the IIgs bootstrapped, and you go in to the configuration screen, can you pick "IIGS MODEM" as a comms device? I'm concerned that MacADT is sending the IIgs an old version of ADT, which isn't actually compatible with the serial hardware in that machine.
It's selected by default for me. It's the latest version (1.33).
It's been a while since I've used MacADT. But... it sounds like maybe there isn't DOS underlying ADT on your IIgs. Walk me through the process. You turn your IIgs on, then what?
If you tell me you proceed to IN#2, tell MacADT to send ADT client, and then ADT comes up, we have a problem. There needs to be DOS 3.3 of some form running first. Can MacADT send it?
(By the way, if it crashes, you can re-start it with 801G from the monitor. But if there's no DOS underneath, it doesn't actually matter, since it won't get anywhere anyway...)
Okay how do I get DOS 3.3 running on a IIgs?
Just 801G at the * prompt?
Sorry, that was 803G at the * prompt to restart ADT.
But... no, you have to send DOS the same way you sent ADT: through a dump process. I've not tried it myself, but if you unzip the ADTPro .jar file, you can find a file called EsDOS.dmp that is a dump of DOS 3.3. if you were to rename that to adt.dmp and place it where MacADT keeps the original, you could probably convince MacADT to send it.
If you take a look at the bootstrapping process of ADTPro:
you see that there are two big steps: first, you send DOS; then, you send ADT. I see MacADT didn't give you any provision to do the first part. So, you need to do that by substituting the text file of DOS for ADT to get started.
Do you have *any* bootable DOS diskettes at all?
I relooked at the video. It has been a while since I seen it. I couldn't find the dump anywhere thanks. I'm going to try it. It'll probably work. I copied the DOS 3.3 master somewhat by booting off it on my II+ and then switching disks and then typing "INIT HELLO". The IIgs will run this disk but will complain about the integer basic (the same as it does for the Master Disk). I'm just going to scrap that idea and use the EsDOS.dmp file to bootstrap it that way. I would gladly use ADT Pro over MacADT if I the proper cable to connect to my PC. I guess I got to use my Mac for something. First disk after ADT I'm creating is a clean bootable DOS 3.3 disk that I can copy when need.
Another question, can I run the same ADT on the Apple IIgs as ADT Pro and be able to work with MacADT if I select serial communication on that end (IIgs), or am I suck with ADT 1.33?
I can't use EsDOS.dmp due to the fact that it is organize and not a blob like MacADT expects. The result is double returning after each line and the IIgs being pissed off and beeping at each time a line is entered and double returned. I could turn EsDOS.dmp into the blob it expects and it would work, but since it's so long it would take a while to do. I use the DOS 3.3 boot disk thing I made that pissed of my IIgs and it worked finally (then I over written that disk with ADT.dsk). I tested the ADT disk and it boots ADT perfectly. I'll test sending another disk image tomorrow. That is enough for one day.
I'm not sure I understand the question. You're stuck using plain old ADT if you want to use your 68k mac as the server. If you get a suitable cable for your PC (or OSX mac) you can trade up to ADTPro.
The ADT client software. Am I stuck with 1.33 or can I use version 2.3 (shipped with ADTPro) at least if I can't use ADTPro 1.1.1 (client)?
ADT 1.33 isn't Nibble/half-track capable? is it?
No, it's not. The only server that is going to help with Nibble/half-tracking is the A2V2 server (part of Virtual ][, another OSX project).