Apple IIgs Noisy PSU

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Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
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Apple IIgs Noisy PSU

My power supply is audibly noisy. It's the loudest power supply I've come across. Is it typical for an Apple IIgs power supply to be noisy? I mean at a level and pitch to make your ears ring after about 30mins to 1 hours use or deaf if you used it for 8 hours a day constantly. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating [not death after 8h, but ears ring after 1h] it's really annoying though. This is also with the case closed. Anything that happens will change the pitch and sound, loading data from the CF card on start up it sounds like a cheap hard drive, moving the mouse through menus changes the pitch, etc. It's also sending the same sound to the audio circuit (you can hear the same sound through headphones). This it not coming from the speaker either because I've disconnected that and it still does this. If I get a new power supply will it be quieter then this one or will I need to go to a ATX power supply which I know for a fact is more quiet then this one?

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Oct 4 2005 - 18:52
Posts: 2629
Noisy PSU?


Does your power supply have a IIgs fan attached to it? That could be the problem. Otherwise, if you have noise coming from the PSU you need to shut down and remove that bad boy. lol
Used PSU's can be had for a few bucks up on eBay. This is the first time I have ever heard of anyone having a noisy PSU unless it has a fan.
Reactive is selling Littlejohn convertors for power supplies. I don't remember if they have one for the IIgs off the top of my head.

Last seen: 1 year 1 week ago
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Posts: 265
I would have to say it is not

I would have to say it is not normal at all. But it might not be the power supply. It could be the mother board. Since all the actions like moving the mouse and menus making sounds with out the speaker.

Take Care

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: Sep 21 2008 - 00:13
Posts: 61
It doesn't have a fan. This

It doesn't have a fan. This PSU is been driving me up the wall. I really would like to take a hammer to it. (I still might (it will not be attached to the IIgs if I do)). I've been thinking it might be a filter capacitor that is about to go (or is out of spec). It had a Digicard D-Net card in it when it came so I'm thinking it was on a network and was use for longer periods of time then a typical IIgs. If I could figure out how to open the PSU I could see if I can replace some parts to remedy the problem. If I can, it might be cheaper to fix this one then replacing it. Does anyone have a guide for taking apart an Apple IIgs PSU without damaging the casing.

Last time I used a Apple IIgs was when I was younger (a lot younger [gr 1-4]). Back then it was to loud (in the class room) anyway to notice if it had a loud PSU. My only other Apple PSUs are in my Apple II+ and Mac LC III and they're a lot quieter then this one. They are not audible when case is on and machine is running.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 61
Could be, but all actions dra

Could be, but all actions draw different levels of power so it could be PSU responding to that. Anyways if I had another IIgs that I know to be in good working order that I could swap the PSU into I would, but currently I don't. I only have another Apple II+ motherboard (and I do not have an adapter to use it on it).

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 2629
PSU Removal


There should be four screws holding the PS onto the case (coming up from the bottom). Remove the power conn from the motherboard, remove the four screws, remove the PS. There are four to six small phillips head screws per side of the PS. Remove those screws and you're in.

Good luck.


Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: Sep 21 2008 - 00:13
Posts: 61
Got this thing open. On visu

Got this thing open. On visual inspection no leaking or bulging capacitors. The plastic box housing on c2 shows minor cracks like you might see in vintage plastic. Might be heat related. Any idea what this one does. I can't get a good look at the other side of the board due to the switch and socket. I don't have the schematics either so does anyone know a bit more about this PSU to give me some hints.

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