Basilisk II & Classic Emulation

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Basilisk II & Classic Emulation

Not sure where this goes exactly, but since I want to emulate a Macintosh Classic ... has anybody actually got a port of Basilik II running with the Classic emulation? I've tried under OS X 10.3 and 10.4 on a G3 PowerBook, G4 PowerBook and now an Intel MacBook and I'll be darned if I can figure out how to configure it to run with the Classic ROM. It starts up and then suddenly quits (and yes I know there is only one version that works with the Classic ROM). I would really like to get the Classic emulation running, so anyone with that setup working, would you please post your steps? Many thanks ...

Eudimorphodon's picture
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If you're not wedded to emulating a *Classic*...

Mini vMac seems a lot less flaky and picky then BasiliskII. It won't run with a "Classic" ROM, but there's very little you can do with a Classic you can't do with a Mac Plus, which it does emulate much better.

And, no, I've never gotten BasiliskII to work with a Classic ROM either. Admittedly I was never that motivated. You could always just configure BasiliskII to run in black-and-white@512x384 and pretend it's a really fast 32bit-clean SE/30.


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That's the Point, I'm afraid ...

Both Mini vMac and SheepShaver are far superior emulators, though Basilisk II does fill the hole between 7.5 and 8.5 which some vintage software requires (along with a 68030/40 processor). However, I am specifically interested in running the Classic emulation because I want to be able to access the embedded system in the ROM among other things. That is one thing you can't do with a MacPlus. Just wanted to know if it was possible since I have never been able to get it to work and the documentation indicates it should be possible, but is not clear on the exact specifics.

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My impression is that Basilis

My impression is that Basilisk and Sheepshaver are very much on a par. Minivmac is better because it actually emulates the machine (so MacsBug etc runs), but the other two patch the ROM to avoid emulating various aspects of the hardware. Basilisk in particular seems to have gone downhill in its last few releases, but it still does a very nice job. I want to see minivmac develop to handle a Mac II - then hopefully a IIx or better. Then it'll have 68030, 68881/2, colour, and support for up to System 7.5 and Basilisk will be much less necessary as a gap filler.

I believe Basilisk used to handle Classic emulation, but the support for it has been broken. Try a google search - there was a reference on one of the Basilisk forums that mentioned what version could manage it. It is probably still available somewhere.


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It seems to be Basilisk ii 0.

It seems to be Basilisk ii 0.6 that supports the Classic. Reading through some interweb sites, I found mention of the BeOS and Linux versions, with the 00.6 version number, that supported the Classic. No mention of later versions or other platforms.

I've had pretty good reliability with Basilisk II over the years, using the Windows version. What's kept me using it over MiniVMac was Basilisk's CD-ROM and Network capabilities.

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Classic Version

Yes, I know what version of Basilisk II is supposed to run with Classic ROM, it is clearly stated on the developer's page and in download version notes. My point is I have never been able to get it to run, so was hoping someone was actually running it so I could compare notes. Thanks. I know Paul is working on Mini vMac for Mac II emulation, but 68030 is a long way off ... there are other things that need to happen with Mini vMac too to make it a complete resource for managing old Macs on the Intel platform. But for freeware, it's pretty nice. I myself will be putting up some tutorials for working with Mini vMac in the near future as I am a huge supporter of it.

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I run Basilisk, try to set th

I run Basilisk, try to set the colors to 8 bit, I got Quadra650 ROM and 68030 emulation, the screen size is 512x384, on iBook G4 10.4 ... but before delete old preferences, they are hidden in users directory (.basiliskIIpref_something like that)anyway, watch the videos of old mac runing apps on my

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Has anyone tried Softmac for

Has anyone tried Softmac for Windows or Fusion PC for DOS?

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Re: Has anyone tried Softmac for

Has anyone tried Softmac for Windows or Fusion PC for DOS?

Fusion's only advantage is if you have a preference to run an emulator from DOS.

Softmac's still in development, but I didn't see anything in earlier versions to recommend it over vMac or Basilisk.

And I've got a bit of a grudge against Darek Mihocka since he went on a holier-than-though slam against another emulator author because he seemed to consider him competition. The other author's product, an Atari 8-bit emulator for the Mac, got my shareware payment.

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I agree

Try softmac. I use that to emulate my classic II. The emulator supports all ROM's below PowerPC. But sadly softmac doesn't run under Mac OS X.

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And can you get it to boot os

And can you get it to boot os 6 / a se/30 rom?

I want to get that working.

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Which emulator mentioned in t

Which emulator mentioned in this elderly thread are you referring to?

I don't recall Basilisk II working with anything less than a 32-bit clean rom, but mini vMac will boot System 6 with a Plus rom.

Once you're running on modern computers that are able to run an emulator faster than the original, I don't see any advantage in using a particular Mac's rom, other than perhaps the novelty value of ogling the About This Macintosh splash.

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Re: Which emulator mentioned in t

I don't recall Basilisk II working with anything less than a 32-bit clean rom, but mini vMac will boot System 6 with a Plus rom.

Once you're running on modern computers that are able to run an emulator faster than the original, I don't see any advantage in using a particular Mac's rom, other than perhaps the novelty value of ogling the About This Macintosh splash.

Supposedly the development snapshots of MinivMac have some rudimentary MacII emulation support(see the December 6th and various older news items) which will work with an SE/30 ROM. (However, it'll identify itself as a Mac II.)

The only possible reason I could see for wanting to do this would be that running a II-series Mac with 24 bit addressing (like System 6) would allow 8MB of RAM vs. the 4MB the 68000 Plus/SE/Classic machines could address. (Although if that were important a better emulation target for vMac might be the Portable/Powerbook 100.) Although, really, if you're running something that needs more then 4MB you probably also want networking support, and that leads right down the slippery slope to Basalisk II and System 7...


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I want to run color system 6

I want to run color system 6 with a 68030 with 8 meg or more as there are ext's that push it 14meg or even 32.

any one get softmac to boot os 6 and not crash / not work right.

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