Apple IIGS outsold Macintosh?

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Apple IIGS outsold Macintosh?

From the Wikipedia article for the Apple IIGS:

"The machine outsold all other Apple products, including the Macintosh, during its first year in production."

Anyone happen to have actual figures on that? If the IIGS was released in 1986, then it would have overlapped with the Mac 512K and Mac Plus.

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Re: Apple IIGS outsold Macintosh?

From the Wikipedia article for the Apple IIGS:

"The machine outsold all other Apple products, including the Macintosh, during its first year in production."

Anyone happen to have actual figures on that? If the IIGS was released in 1986, then it would have overlapped with the Mac 512K and Mac Plus.

The following comes form a reprint of the June 1988 Ask the Guru column in Computer Shopper Magazine:

Apple IIgs sales have been going
through the roof and breaking all
sorts of records. Apple has responded
to this deplorable and despicable
situation in the predictable manner –
by slashing the price of the Mac so it
now lists for less than that of a
loaded IIgs system.

Here's the link to the PDF document came out of: scroll down to the June 1988 section to read all of it.

Hope that helps answer your question.


Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
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a true underdog

The apple 2gs still sold well despite the complete and total lack of support from apple to the II line. Apple was promoting the Mac as the replacement. I also recall from a Byte article the lack of support Apple gave to GS software developers. Despite this the GS still had numerous titles of mainstream software available.

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Try This...

First chance you get go to

Having read the history several times (I pick up on something new each time) I get completely disgusted with the way Steve Jobs et al treated the Apple II line of computers after the /// and the Mac came out. The II saved Apples bacon on more than one occasion and continued to do so when Jobs treated it like a red headed step child.

Sales people were actually told to tell prospective buyers that they should buy a Mac and not to buy a IIgs because the II line was being discontinued.

People bought the IIgs anyway. Now That is Loyalty. Smile

"Apple II...It's ALIVE!!!"

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