I'm looking to move some stuff from my Misc. Mac Stuff closet into yours!
I've got 2 items im looking to send to a good home.
Apple Pro Speakers
They work, i just don't use 'em (i never thought they sounded very good)
In original box & packaging. They even have the ugly speaker guards included.
These are the speakers included with such machines as the MDD G4 and similar, that have the barrel plug
[b]iBook keyboard w/ Lombard keycaps[/i]
Keyboard from a clamshell iBook. Was purchased as a working unit. I purchased it for the white keycaps, which i used on my Lombard. I am including the original bronze lombard keycaps with it, unless someone wants just the caps or the board. (All of the keycaps are bronze, save for the function (F#) keys, which are the white iBook keys. I am not sure, but i think i actually have both keyboards lying around, so i may have 2 complete sets of caps (1 bronze, one white), i'll have to look.
PM me, make an offer. Shipping is from 07070.
Beige G3 parts
I have a pair of Beige G3 logic boards, and a 266MHz ZiF G3 CPU.
Got a few more things to add to the list.
I have the power adapter from my Lombard G3 PowerBook, and a slightly damaged AGP graphics card:
It works, but it isn't perfect:

Click to enlarge