20th Anniversary Macintosh Won't Power Up

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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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20th Anniversary Macintosh Won't Power Up

I have a 20th Anniversary Macintosh that won't power up (no sign of life like the startup sound).
I tried to replace the PRAM battery but it didn't help.
I also try to unplug the PRAM battery for few days and it didn't help either.
What else can I do?


MaxTek's picture
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Did you reset it by pushing i

Did you reset it by pushing in the very small button located on the motherboard?

dvsjr's picture
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It will work

Unplug the power cord on your tam. You do not need any tools for this fix. You probably already know how to do this, but just in case, take the back cover off your tam by carefully lifting the two tabs on the bottom of the cover. You can do this with the tam standing up, or gently laid screen down onto a soft cloth to protect it.

Next, locate the small circular black button to the right of the round fan in the middle of the tam's back (roughly 3 oclock) touch something metal, or a friend and then gently press the button and hold it to the count of 5. Stand the Tam back up, plug it back in, and press the power button on the back.

Smile broadly as you hear it chime and start up.

How do i know it will work? My tam was dead too, for well over 5 years. I saw your post, and Max's suggestion and decided to try it on mine. I downloaded the service source PDF for the tam from an OOOOLLDD hotline site (I still remembered my login, and damned if my admin account wasnt still active!) and sure enough he had the service source PDF. (I was too lazy to go get my SS CD set) As soon as I looked at the PDF again I remembered how freaking simple taking the back off was (Like I said the tam's been sitting on a shelf for a long long time) and did these steps myself.

It started right up. I am so happy right now I can't tell you.

I guess skipping the basics is never good, next time I wont give up until I've covered them again. Thanks Maxtek.

MaxTek's picture
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No problem. Actually this is

No problem. Actually this is how I acquired my TAM. On ebay a guy was selling one and said it was dead. I had remembered a post of this reset so I bid and won.

The funny thing is the title for the TAM only had "TAM" and "dead" in it. When I received it from UPS it came with all the boxes and all the accessories and paperwork. It was complete as new.

Did the reset and fired it up. I was very pleased. Oh and the Ebay price with shipping was $261.50. Not bad, huh.

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Definitely a great way to get one. But after firing mine up, I looked her over, opened my email from eight years ago, checked out old files. Enjoyed it very much. Then shut it off again. No networking, slow as hell, upgrading is a bitch, and sure you can run 9, but....

I love the old gal. She was my first real Mac I ever bought, I truly do. But she's a trophy wife, just pretty to look at, she doesn't do anything around here.

thanks again.


MaxTek's picture
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Re: ha!

Definitely a great way to get one. But after firing mine up, I looked her over, opened my email from eight years ago, checked out old files. Enjoyed it very much. Then shut it off again. No networking, slow as hell, upgrading is a bitch, and sure you can run 9, but....

I love the old gal. She was my first real Mac I ever bought, I truly do. But she's a trophy wife, just pretty to look at, she doesn't do anything around here.

thanks again.


Mine has a G3 upgrade card and ethernet. I didn't think upgrading it was hard at all and with the upgrade card, OS 9 and the ethernet I love it. Sure it can't use OS X but still has a ton of useability.

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Unfortunately it didn't help...

I did exactly what you said with the reset button and nothing happened.
I also noticed that when I plug the power wire to the wall after connecting the other side to the TAM, there is no small electric lightning like there is on every other computer I have so I suspect that maybe this means the Base Unit has a broken power supply.
The problem is that everywhere I asked, all Apple support and technicians tells me they cannot fix this computer because it's to old and there are no service parts anymore.

Any advice?

MaxTek's picture
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Re: Unfortunately it didn't help...

I did exactly what you said with the reset button and nothing happened.
I also noticed that when I plug the power wire to the wall after connecting the other side to the TAM, there is no small electric lightning like there is on every other computer I have so I suspect that maybe this means the Base Unit has a broken power supply.
The problem is that everywhere I asked, all Apple support and technicians tells me they cannot fix this computer because it's to old and there are no service parts anymore.

Any advice?

When the base unit is plugged into your wall turn it over. Is the green status light on in the recessed well?

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The status light is off...

Is it bad? Does it mean the unit is dead?

MaxTek's picture
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Re: The status light is off...

Is it bad? Does it mean the unit is dead?

Well it means the base unit is not getting power from your house. Is the voltage switch in the correct side for your house current on the bottom of the base unit?

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Yes it does...

I once had this unit fixed after I accidentally used the wrong voltage but this was almost 2 years ago and the TAM worked without a problem all this time.

dvsjr's picture
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Re: Yes it does...

I once had this unit fixed after I accidentally used the wrong voltage but this was almost 2 years ago and the TAM worked without a problem all this time.

I had this issue, thought my tam was dead. Found bose units on ebay more than once for roughly $30. So hit it.


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I see...

So I'll try to find such unit on ebay and I'll keep trying to search for some technician that can fix the power supply, hoping my TAM will return to life soon.

BTW guys, since there are so few of these machines and since the original TAM forum is no longer maintained, maybe we can do something ourselves in order to keep the TAM users group worldwide alive. This can help every owner to get technical assistance that is very hard to find these days and maybe share information and ideas between the users.


Tom Owad's picture
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Re: I see...

TW guys, since there are so few of these machines and since the original TAM forum is no longer maintained, maybe we can do something ourselves in order to keep the TAM users group worldwide alive. This can help every owner to get technical assistance that is very hard to find these days and maybe share information and ideas between the users.

Just let me know what you need.

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Few more questions...

I found an electronic technician that will give a try fixing the internal power supply.
My question is, can I bring him only the base unit (without the computer)? Is it safe to connect only the base unit to the power source (without connecting the base unit to the computer)? Is there anything he should know before he opens the base unit and the power supply?

Thanks again,

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Hi! Please please please t


Please please please tell me that you still have that PDF... and that it has a pull-part (take apart) guide for the TAM?!

I've been searching for one for years... have seen one recently that come off the Apple Service Manual CD, but it didn't actually have much more than a copy of the User Manual - that comes with the TAM - and a few pages explaining the TAM's ports etc... nothing useful for pulling the thing apart and fixing...

I bought my TAM new in 1998 after Steve got rid of them. Because I'm in Australia, I'd love to get a PAL tv/fm tuner to instal... but the main reason I need to open my TAM is to try fix the SCSI chain, as the internal CD, and external SCSI ports don't work. (Also the floppy, but that'd just be age).

Love the idea of setting up a new home for the TAM. I've tried getting in touch with Bob Bernado (?) a few times over the years (it was his original TAM site that let me know of the $1999 deal in 98), but never managed to get in touch with him to talk about reviving his site...



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Looking for an electronic diagram of the power unit

My TAM is currently being repaired but the problem is that the technician needs the electronic circuit diagram for the power unit in order to know what the part type he needs to replace.
Does anyone know where can I get this diagram?


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Why don't you try some other

Why don't you try some other computer power cords to see if this is the problem. I know that services are not repairing these titans anymore. I keep mine in my room as a reminder of how I started with a Mac. Next to it it's my latest slick Mac that looks 5 times smaller.

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That's the first thing I checked...

The problem is inside the power unit.
I already found some guy who was willing to fix my TAM and he already replaced some electronic parts that were burnt but the only part he couldn't find a replacement for is some kind of old and obsolite transistor (TOP200YAI).
We are trying to find something similar to it as a replacement that will do the same work.

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thanks the tips

thanks the tips

madmax_2069's picture
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Re: That's the first thing I checked...

The problem is inside the power unit.
I already found some guy who was willing to fix my TAM and he already replaced some electronic parts that were burnt but the only part he couldn't find a replacement for is some kind of old and obsolite transistor (TOP200YAI).
We are trying to find something similar to it as a replacement that will do the same work.

are you talking about one of these http://www.bluestar-online.com/TOP200YAI_p/top200yai.htm?gclid=CLOjzvmojZYCFRCiQQodEj0NFg

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Yes, thanks!, but...

I sent them an email asking how do I select the component case type when I buy it online (I need the 3 legs version) and I'm waiting for their answer.
I will update as soon as they give me an answer.

Thanks again,

madmax_2069's picture
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i do wish you luck on getting

i do wish you luck on getting ahold of them and finding the one you need

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Thank you very much!

Hoping to update soon with some good news of my TAM returning to live...

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Bad news, again...

My electronic technician did not manage to fix the base unit using the similar replacement part (I'm not if it's because the part is not matching or because there are additional problems in the electronic circuit).
In addition, Blue Star Online store customer support don't respond to my questions regarding the replacement part case type and shipping abilities.
I guess I'll just have to replace the entire base unit with another one, the problem is off course, finding one (already tried ebay).


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TAM repair and parts sources?

Hi all! I'm new to the site and this thread. I'm a TAM owner, with my own online shrine to the machine ( http://www.mactivist.com/wacky_mac/twentieth_anniversary_macintosh ). I'm glad to find an active online discussion about the bronze beauty.

A reader with a dead TAM (it won't power up) asked me whether I know sources of parts and repairs, or buyers of defunct TAMs (for parts). I suggested that he check out this very thread, but I'd also like to ask:

Does anyone know of vendors currently servicing, buying, or selling parts for TAMs? I'd like to update my pages with any good info, in the hopes of helping TAM owners everywhere. (Might need parts myself someday, too!)

I also welcome other additions or corrections to my TAM pages. Let's keep that great machine alive online!


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