Duo 2300c wireless?

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Duo 2300c wireless?

I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to get 802.1b/g capabilities into a Duo 2300c yet. I know it doesn't have pc card slots, which is the main issue, but I'm curious as to whether anyone has had other ideas.


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Sadly, there's no direct way to do it . . .

but here's my current thinking - either go whole-hog and add a PC cardcage, a decidedly non-trivial, maybe even impossible task (ask jt!), or add ethernet and an ethernet-to-wifi bridge.

The second approach is surely the easiest, but will probably result in appendages dangling off of your otherwise tidy Duo. For example, one could use an Ethernet microdock and attach the wifi bridge to that. Dang bridge will of course need power, might not need much though.

Or install an Asante Micro SCSI ethernet adapter internally (to the internal SCSI bus), and plug the wifi thingly into that. I think at some point wifi bridges will come in a small enough formfactor that one could stuff both MicroSCSI adapter and bridge inside a Duo, but if a small enough board is out there I'm not yet aware of it.

Tough crap. eh? I'd love to have wifi on my 2300gs (GrayScale - mono TFT screen! :-), it'd then be the perfect outdoor text fondling tool. There's nothing even close currently available, geez the 5300 mono fstn 'Book was the last monochrome PowerBook made and it just ain't good enough, IMNSHO.

Dan K

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Re: Sadly, there's no direct way to do it . . .

. . . I'd love to have a wifi-equipped 2300gs (GrayScale - mono TFT screen! :-), it'd be the perfect outdoor text fondling tool. There's nothing even close currently available . . .

You forgot to mention the requisite TrackBall upgrade to make it a workable bezier control point fondling tool, another area where the 5300 and all later 'Books fall WOEFULLY short . . . TrackPads S*U*C*K (rotton eggs) BIG-TIME when it comes to graphics manipulation!

=8-/ . . . haven't done anything on the T-REX/Card Cage hack since before I started to pack for the move . . . time to get hackin' again VERY soon!

I posted a link a while back to a CF form factor Wifi Card . . . and I'm STILL wonderin'?

jt :ebc:

-nit-pick mode-

p.s. "grayscale" & "mono" are mutually exclusive terms, BTW. Mono(chrome) correctly refers to any single bit display's "on" component - white - black - green - amber - whatever . . . and the contrasting "off" (background) side of the single bit.

"Grayscale" assumes a Page White/Black (multilevel) Display, but the old Hercules Graphics compatable card put a nice Amber "Grayscale" on my cheap@$$ TTL CRT running CorelDraw under (newly released) Windows 3.0 on a 386sx/25! That was waaaaayyyyyyy back in the day when Corel stood head and shoulders over anything running on the Mac at the time.

I know you know, DK, but some of the kids might not . . . Wink

-/nit-pick mode-

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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Re: Sadly, there's no direct way to do it . . .

802.11 interfaces come in:
* PC card and cardbus, includes CF form-factor
* twisted pair ethernet
* PCI and mini-PCI

Have I missed any?

Also, I use the term monochrome (one color) to distinguish the screen type from color LCDs, trichrome I guess. I think of grayscale displays as one type of monochrome display, just as black and white displays (think PB170) are also monochrome. Am I out on my own on this? :?

I've rather gotten used to trackpads, they've have worked well for me on portables, but then I've never used portables for graphics production. That said, I'm thoroughly addicted to my big-assed Kensington TurboMice trackballs. When I got my Quicksilver the first thing I did was buy an iMate USB-ADB adapter so I could continue to use my old ADB TMouse 4 (and Apple Extended Keyboard II!) The bigger the mouse-balls, the better, I always say! Which makes the tinyiest of all, the Duo's trackball . . . errmmm, well, not all that, really. Blum 3

Dan K

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Linksys WET-11

The newer ones have the wireless chip integrated to the circut board, so there's not a seperate CF card, which was the case with the older ones. The board itself is not much bigger in surface aeria than a floppy disc. I've built a battery pack for mine with C-cells, and it's pretty big. You could use rechargable AA's, and you wouldn't need the diode to lower the voltage output to 5v. Or, if you decided to run off of a CF to IDE adapter, you could take the 5v that would go to the HDD and power the WET-11 from that. Heck, it's small enought that you might be able to squese it into the space where the HDD would be along with the CF to IDE assembly.

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Parallel connection?

I think the previously mentioned form factors for 802 wifi are pretty much it. It seems like a CF card would be the easiest thing to do (well, at least the smallest), but most readers have a USB interface, which again causes a problem. Last night, I found a CF reader that will connect to the parallel port on a peecee... is there any chance of compatability there? I haven't ever needed a parallel port from the peecee on a Mac, so I've never thought about it. I'm assuming there would have to be a driver, which I'm sure doesn't exist... but it's getting closer. Any more ideas? Thanks!

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A CF card reader can only rea

A CF card reader can only read memory cards. It can't use them as a network interface. And if it could, you'd still have to adapt it to SCSI and probably write drivers for it.
A Wifi to ethernet transcever is your only option.

Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
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Re: A CF card reader can only rea

A CF card reader can only read memory cards. It can't use them as a network interface. And if it could, you'd still have to adapt it to SCSI and probably write drivers . . .

Dunno about that . . . first, you'd be adapting it directly to the 2300c's IDE interface, which ALREADY looks like SCSI to the NuBus PPC PB architecture. The SCSI channel would need to be used for a super-slimline Big@$$ IDE HDD and a laptop IDE->SCSI adapter plate in this scenario. AFAIK, the 2300c (untested general assumption here) IDE interface can only handle a single IDE device, but the 190/5300/1400 ALL use identical chipsets and can handle . . . hrmmm . . .

If CF (a subset of IDE/ATA, IIRC) weren't up to handling network tasks, there wouldn't BE any of those lovely, TINY, lil' CF WiFi NICs!

jt :?

Last seen: 2 weeks 2 hours ago
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i can smell another one of JT

i can smell another one of JTs mad hacks being formulated here Wink


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