OS 7.6.1 Networking with Tiger

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OS 7.6.1 Networking with Tiger

I have a Color Classic running OS 7.6.1 and it has an Ethernet card. I'd like to make a file sharing connection between the Color Classic and my other Macs that are running Tiger. As I understand the latest Tiger update doesn't support AppleTalk anymore and the sharing must be done using IP based connection (right?). In the OS 7.6.1 Chooser I don't see any way to specify an IP address of the Tiger Macs on my network. How can I make this connection work?

chris501's picture
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no apple talk over ip

in my understanding, there is no apple talk over ip in mac os 7.6.1. this would be what you need to share files between your tiger mac's and the color classic...
apple talk over ip is support in mac os 9.x i guess. sorry!

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no apple talk over ip

solution : running another old mac with os 9.1 (used as a mini-server)
so you can connect with tiger macs and with older macs running syst 7.6.1

JDW's picture
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Easily Network with Tiger & 7.5.5 and higher

I recently had a lengthy discussion about this in this Vintage Macs thread. I found that it is indeed possible to make 68k Macs running 7.6.1 or 7.5.5 network across Ethernet with Tiger (10.4.10) Macs. As mentioned in that Vintage Macs thread, you simply need to install Open Transport 1.3 and the AppleShare 3.7.4 extension (the version that is installed with OS 8.1).

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OK, Where can I find the Open Transport 1.3 installation?

Is it available anywhere other than the Mac OS 8.1 installation?

chris501's picture
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nice software hack

good to know, thats a nice possibility to get older macs into our existing network of 10.3 and 10.4 machines.

thx for that link!

JDW's picture
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OT 1.3 Download URL

Here is the Open Transport 1.3 Installer from Apple. But you will still need OS 8.1 to snag a copy of the AppleShare 3.7.4 extension. That version of AppleShare is the ticket to making things work with Tiger.

And if you took time to read through that Vintage Macs thread I posted above, you will see that I was able to get this setup to work on 7.5.5, 7.6.1 and of course 8.1. But despite having OT1.3 on my System 7.1 disk, and despite having put AppleShare 3.7.4 on it, System 7.1 won't network with my Tiger Mac. I certainly would like to know why, but it seems clear that something is missing in System 7.1 that the other systems have -- perhaps a part of the System file itself.

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So if I understand correctly,

I can install the AppleShare 3.7 (or later) on my Mac OS 7.6.1 without the need for Open Transport 1.3 (that needs hacking the OS). Am I right?
I also found some application called "ShareWay IP" that should also enable this kind of file sharing, have you tried it?

JDW's picture
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I cannot say if you need AppleShare extension version "3.7 or later" because I only confirmed that 3.7.4 works. So you must venture out and test if any other variants of 3.7.x will work.

I didn't test with only AppleShare extension 3.7.4. Therefore I cannot say for certain that you do not need OT1.3. But I suspect that you will need OT1.3 along side the AppleShare extension 3.7.4. But honestly, why NOT install OT1.3? Really! It's the best, most bug free version of OT for 68k Macs running System 7.1 or higher. I had earlier versions of OT on my System 7.x drives, and I ultimately installed OT1.3 to find it solved most all of my connectivity problems. I shake my head every time I see people using older versions of OT on System 7.1~7.6.1 because OT1.3 is sooooo much better. Install it and you won't regret it. That's why I provide a direct download link above! Smile

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OK, in that case,

Can you explain how do I hack the OS in order to install the OT 1.3?


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Installing AppleShare IP will

Installing AppleShare IP will also work. I don't remember where I got it but I have posted here about it in the past.

madmax_2069's picture
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have you looked on [url=http:

have you looked on http://main.system7today.com/

they might have something that they know that will do the job or have a download in the software page

and by the looks of it

that a 68k will use appleshaare 3.8.3 and has a download's for 7.6.x to bring it up to date in the second link.

good luck and have fun

BTW i have got tiger and my Performa 475 (running system 7.6.1) to transfer data just fine. it was a PITB to get everything setup to work properly. also i have internet connection sharing from my Tiger machine using wifi to my P 475 using the onboard ethernet so it can surf the net, that was a big PITB to set up as well. but eventually i got it to work.

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People. check your PM's

I sent a PM to drumace, but he hasn't replied to me. I suggested to him that perhaps my copy of OT1.3 is a hacked version that allows installation on System 7. Because I tested it yesterday and the installer lets me install without a hitch under 7.6.1. So the reason I PM'd drumace was to get his email address so I could send him my version for a test. Since he hasn't responded, I felt it best to post a reply here to let all you people know that, yes, this site does have Private Messaging! Smile

As far as full blown AppleShare goes, I have no experience with it, but I must assume those of you who recommend it do have extensive experience using it. As such, it would be appreciated if you could explain in detail the merits and demerits of using full blown AppleShare versus OT1.3 & the AppleShare 3.7.4 extension.

All I can say is what works "seamlessly" for me. And I can attest to the fact that I have OT1.3 running on System 7.1, 7.5.5, 7.6.1 and OS 8.1. And with the exception of System 7.1, OT1.3 along side the AppleShare 3.7.4 "extension" work perfectly to allow me to connect my SE/30 to my OS 10.4.10 Tiger machine, using normal Chooser-connection methods. No special connectivity software or applications required. I just use the Chooser.

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the OT 1.3 in the second link

the OT 1.3 in the second link that i posted will install just fine on 7.6.1 ( i installed everything on that list on my Performa 475) and it all works great. everything there ( in the second link) should be installed on system 7 so it will be more up to date then what is originally with it.

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I appologize

I didn't notice that my inbox has a mail in it.
I checked the System 7 Today website that was posted here in this thread and it offers a complete solution for OS 7.6 without any hacking so I wanted to check it first and post the result here so everyone can learn from it.

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