Wanted: eMac Case / outer shell

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Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 22 2004 - 18:26
Posts: 43
Wanted: eMac Case / outer shell

Hello All,

I am planning on giving my Mac Mini to my young daughter. She currently has an older iMac G3.

The all-in-one is more durable for her, so I am looking to turn my Mac Mini into a similar machine (purely for strength / durability reasons).

I have an LCD screen, and a G4 Mini that I plan to place inside the case.

I've already measured the iMac G3 case, and it's too small to accommodate the 15-inch LCD panel that I have.

I'm going to place a sheet of glass in-front of the LCD panel to provide it with the required durability.

So, basically, it looks like I need a 17-inch eMac case. A complete case would be nice, but if you at least have the dome portion, that would be helpful. I can always make my own face for it if I had to.

I know that there are things I'll need to modify, and that is not a problem. I am purely looking for the shell just to take care of the outer casing needs.

I am in Alaska. Zip code 99645

So, let me know what you have and what it would cost to get it here.

I can receive all forms of U.S. Mail, all forms of FedEx (Ground, Second Day, over-night, etc.), and would prefer to avoid UPS due to their extreme charges for shipping here (besides, UPS will only ship second day and overnight here).

I am looking to do this as cheap as possible. We are on a bit of a budget.

Let me know what you have and what we can work out.

I don't have much around for trade stock. But, I do have a face-plate for the 20-inch iMac G5 revision A and B (the ones without the iSight camera). The face-plate has never been used / installed. I purchased two of them (one for a spare), and the guy who purchased my iMac G5 didn't want the spare.

Otherwise, we can see what kind of price we can work out or if there is something you need, let me know and we'll see if I have something I'm not thinking about at the moment for trade.

I'll look forward to hearing from you all.

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sep 21 2007 - 22:48
Posts: 1
Still looking for a Shell?

I have a dead eMac, 1.42GHz.

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 22 2004 - 18:26
Posts: 43
Re: Still looking for a Shell?

I have a dead eMac, 1.42GHz.

I got your PM, I just Sent a PM back to you. I'll look forward to hearing from you.

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