PowerBook 3400c Wireless Network Sees DSL Modem, Can't connect

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unknown1's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 143
PowerBook 3400c Wireless Network Sees DSL Modem, Can't connect

I have a 20 gig hard drive with three partitions, the main System partition crashed (unrecoverable with TechTool or Norton) so I have stopped using it on a regular basis, the Alt System partition and Data partion are fine. Now we have DSL with a wireless modem and 4 port ethernet switch. So I am trying to network the Powerbook to recover many years of data (on the Data partition thankfully!) but no connection.

This one has got me baffled. I tried mightily to get ethernet working to no avail (I have never used it in my 5 years of companionship with this machine. So I assume it is dead (doesn't even recognize it has a combo modem/ethernet card though the modem works fine).

So I am trying to use my WaveLan 802.11 PC card. The WaveLan driver crashes with a 1,010 error so I used the Orinoco driver I also had (basically the same card). Is sees the DSL modem, shows signal, and it shows up on all the utilities I have but it won't connect even when I just try to connect to the modem ( Any ideas? I don't have it on at the moment and am using the wife's Pentium 333 to type this (It takes about 10 minutes to start up from the Alt System partition).

Should I install the Airport software too?

Macinjosh's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: Feb 12 2004 - 13:05
Posts: 212
Let's see...

If you're using DHCP to set your IP, don't.
If you aren't and are manually setting your IP, try DHCP.
Set User Mode to Advanced and make sure that TCP/IP is always running.

Which OS is it, 8.6-9.x?

-- Macinjosh

unknown1's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 143
Figured it out

I just had to turn off encryption on the DSL modem/ LAN switch and it works!

Now, though, anytime I try to access the modem through its setup page it resets! (Power light turns from green to red, all lights go off and it takes about five minutes to reboot) I don't know what I did, that is the only thing I changed!

I would like to turn encryption back on and see if I can get it to a setting that will work with my WaveLAN Silver (64 bit encryption) card.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 2804
You'll have to turn the encry

You'll have to turn the encryption on the router down to match the Silver card. It would be a small deterrent but now-a-days breaking the old WEP encryption is not hard.

unknown1's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 143
Now it won't share, naughty child!

Has it been a month since I did this? Time sure flies when you spend all your time trying to keep a PC running!

For some reason sharing won't work on the 3400. I tried everything I could think of including re-setting the PRAM and a reinstall of OS 9.1. I wonder if it has something to do with a dead PRAM battery? When I took it out of the closet after six months the date was 1972 or something. Now that I have it plugged in all the time the date is fine but I think this may have something to do with the sharing problem (Why? I don't know, it just seemed reasonable...)

I have PC MacLan on the PC and neither can see each other.

Problem is the new PRAM battery at about $40.00 is worth twice what the 3400 is worth! (if ebay prices are the norm). I would rather not worry about replacing the battery if that is not the problem. I gave up on it a couple of weeks ago and was thinking of zipping the 15 gigs of files into 300MB chunks and using YouSendIt or something, though that will be a lot of work too.

Any ideas on sharing?

After all this is done I think I would like to replace it with a 17" PowerBook (like I'll ever be able to afford that!) and convert the 3400 into a digital photo frame (great screen, plenty of disk space and wireless connection to the network -someday- for updates).

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