The PbA battery is half-past dead, as is to be expected, and the lid is quite yellowed, in addition to sporting an outline of an old sticker. The port door is missing, and the left foot is cactus. I don't have the stock adapter--I've been running it with a Radioshack universal adapter.
Other than those minor problems, it works great!
It's been maxed out with 8Mb of ram, has a 19.2k modem, an 80Mb SCSI HD, running System 7.0.1. I've got Word, Excel, crude web browsers, and terminal apps installed.
I've been using it recently to learn to type using Dvorak. The keyboard has a good response.
Anyone interested? I gotta get rid of it, as I start college in a month. $15 shipped to the continental US? Post or PM an offer, or it'll go to the rubbish bin.
That's a joke, right? You're going to toss a Power Book 100 into the trash? Is this a Larry the Lobster gag from Saturday Night Live? Did you offer it anywhere else?
I know it seems like a waste, but my parents want it out of the house, along with a roomful of other pre-Jobs Macintoshes--most of which will pop up on this forum in the next few days. I think they plan to turn the room into an entertainment center or guest room. What doesn't get sold by the end of next month will go the way of last night's fish heads. What a shame.
What is a "Larry the Lobster" gag?
I sent you a PM expressing interest in this machine. If you didn't get the PM, you can contact me directly: mruben -at- gmail -dot- com.
Here it is:
Check your inbox.
SOLD, pending receipt of payment. Thanks to all who inquired!