Mac OS 7 won't recognize new HD..

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ILovemacs84's picture
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Mac OS 7 won't recognize new HD..

Mac OS 7 won't recognize new HD. I got the new HD from an old novell server and i think it may be formatted for Novell. Well anyway it is SCSI and i put it in a LC II and put my 7.5 disk tools disk in and booted up. when i open the HD SC Setup utility it doesn't recognize it. it just says no suitable SCSI HD's found. So if any buddy has any suggestions please get back to me.


gobabushka's picture
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you need to patch hd sc setup

you need to patch hd sc setup to see it. by default, hd sc setup wont see non apple hard drives.

gobabushka's picture
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you need to patch hd sc setup

you need to patch hd sc setup to see it. by default, hd sc setup wont see non apple hard drives.

ILovemacs84's picture
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haha. this may seem like a stupid question...

haha. this may seem like a stupid question but how would i go about doing that. (srry if thats stupid). please get back to me with the answer.

ILovemacs84's picture
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Well found out how to patch it.

Well found out how to patch HD Setup and still won't recognize it. this one really has me stumped. if anybody can tell me anything please respond.

dvsjr's picture
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did you

check the jumpers and set the SCSI ID to a non used and appropriate number? Did you check the cables? Termination?

ILovemacs84's picture
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The SCSI ID on the drive i think is set to 0 by default and the machine has no other scsi devices anyway so i don't think it would matter. the cable is fine and the motherboard end it terminated and drive end is not terminated. (the drive may be but u am not sure self-terminated.) And as i was saying previously (i am not sure) i think the drive is formatted for novell netware (pulled from netware server). Do any of you think that would have anything to do with it?


dvsjr's picture
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Well, if you're sure its set to zero, thats the ID for internal HD all right. 7 is for the CPU, can you set it to another number to test it?

ILovemacs84's picture
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Ya and Oops..

Ya. Well previously i did not know how to read jumpers and and it was actually 5 not 0 and know you all reading this are all saying so far he messed and know it works. Well if you are thinking that you are wrong because. I know know how to change id's and use jumpers but the patched Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.5 still does not recognize it. If any one can shed any light on this issue. Please respond.


Jon's picture
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To check if it's HD Setup or

To check if it's HD Setup or not you might try using a program like SCSIProbe to see if the drive is there or not. If SCSIProbe finds it, then it's a problem with HD Setup.

ILovemacs84's picture
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SCSI Probe kept giving me a message at the top saying bus not terminated. does that mean that the drive is not self terminated and i have to terminate the cable? Get back to me.


eeun's picture
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You could try either terminat

You could try either terminating the drive, providing the drive has a jumper position for termination, or terminating the cable.

ILovemacs84's picture
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Well i am pretty sure that the drive does not...

Well i am pretty sure that the drive does not have a jumper for termination so would i terminate the cable? please get back to me


ILovemacs84's picture
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It Works!

Thank You all for the help you gave me. I appreciate it very much. The drive was not terminated correctly. thank again.

ILovemacs84's picture
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Don't get so happy quite just yet cause the initialization failed. What do i do now?
please get back to me.


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More jumpers

1. Enable SCSI termination power on the hard disk. Termination power =/= Termination.
2. Enable Auto Start on the hard disk.

Also try using a different disk formatter. Lido is a free alternative to the Apple utility.

ILovemacs84's picture
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Well i did put a termination circuit on the end of the cable

Well i did put a termination circuit on the end of the cable so it should need one (i guess) and i don't know what autostart is but i will try lido now. If you can shed any light on autostart or that i need to terminate the drive too let me know. (the system now know the drive is there though because SCSI Probe and HD Setup (patched) see it.


ILovemacs84's picture
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i also don't think it can self terminate

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Re: Well i did put a termination circuit on the end of the cabl

Well i did put a termination circuit on the end of the cable so it should need one (i guess) and i don't know what autostart is but i will try lido now. If you can shed any light on autostart or that i need to terminate the drive too let me know. (the system now know the drive is there though because SCSI Probe and HD Setup (patched) see it.

Modern SCSI devices that don't have a jumper that enables termination are very unusual.

Mac hard disks are usually set to Auto Start when the Mac is switched on. Hard disks in servers are often set to non-Auto Start; the SCSI controller sends a Start signal when the disk is required for access and may even send a Stop signal to turn it off, thus reducing wear and tear.

SCSI termination power: you may need it. Look it up.

Please reply with details of the drive model. With that quality of information, you're more likely to get advice on jumper settings that work.

ILovemacs84's picture
Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
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Well it is an old drive.

Well it is an old drive. But on the upside i have working and guess what this time i got it working with no errors! So again thank you all. You have been a good guide for me during my first mac revamp.


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