800Mhz 10.4 ?

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seth_381's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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800Mhz 10.4 ?

Well to make sure or get a finale opinion I plan to buy an 800Mhz G4 iMac and put 512 with 256 already in it and I want install Mac OS Tiger. Will I have reasonable speeds all I want to do it Surf the internet and send email and chat on Yahoo and MSN.

protocol6v's picture
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An 800MHz Imac with 768MB of

An 800MHz Imac with 768MB of RAM should be fine to do simple things. I used to use a B/W G3 400MHz as my File/FTP/Web/Mail Server on OS X 10.4 Server...

You probably won't be able to use leopard when it comes out though, as I think the last time i used the beta it requires at least a 1GHz G4.

eeun's picture
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Yep, for the above, it'll be

Yep, for the above, it'll be fine...though a $25 used PC would do all the above just as well.

Depends on how much you want to spend for the Mac Experience, when 10.4 is possibly the last OS you'll be able to effectively run on that machine.

If you're really set on a Mac, keep in mind the Lampshade iMacs are still holding an inflated price on the used market, and you'd likely get longer product life from one of the G4 minis for a somewhat close price.

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Yep, for the above, it'll be

If you're really set on a Mac, keep in mind the Lampshade iMacs are still holding an inflated price on the used market, and you'd likely get longer product life from one of the G4 minis for a somewhat close price.

Or just get "last year's model" 1.67 Ghz Core Duo Mini brand-spanking new with a warranty for $519. (before the dealer stock runs out. Or wait for Apple to have refurbs again.) The absolute bottom of the iMac G4 market seems to be about $350 with $500 more typical. Unless you simply *must* have a lampshade you can get much more bang-for-the buck with a new machine. Which is pretty typical of the used Mac market.

As for performance, an 800Mhz G4 is "okay". Don't expect the world. Applications like iPhoto start getting into "teeth hurting" territory at around that speed. (If my old 867Mhz Powerbook is any indication.) In all honesty unless an iMac G4 drops into your lap for free or near (under $250 or so) you can spend the money more wisely on something else.


MaxTek's picture
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Re: Yep, for the above, it'll be
MaxTek's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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Re: Yep, for the above, it'll be

As for performance, an 800Mhz G4 is "okay". Don't expect the world. Applications like iPhoto start getting into "teeth hurting" territory at around that speed. (If my old 867Mhz Powerbook is any indication.) In all honesty unless an iMac G4 drops into your lap for free or near (under $250 or so) you can spend the money more wisely on something else.


You guys must be used to some blazing speed. I am running:
OS 10.4.9
1gig of ram
original 5400 rpm 40gig hard drive
80 gig external firewire drive
Adobe Photoshop CS version 8.0
and iPhoto 5.0.4
iTunes 7.0.2
Acrobat 7.0 professional and more

all on an IMAC DV 400MHZ G3 and the only bog I have is when it rains my dialup slows down.

An iMac G4 800mhz is plenty fast to do anything. Maybe not the super bloated iTunes and iPhoto of today. But a few versions back is no problem.

seth_381's picture
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Well I value all of your opinions

But the main reason I want a Mac is to Use the internet I'm really tired of all the viruses and so four with windows and really I could careless if it's a bit slow but as far a leopard goes in October I will make a final decision on what Processer speed on a G4 and I don't like the mini's. Really I will continue major gaming and stuff on my PC. Thanks for all of your input :]

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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it's all possible for the daring

Heck, people are doing those things on all kinds of machines, or at least trying. How about an SE/30? Wink

Yep, for the above, it'll be fine...though a $25 used PC would do all the above just as well.

It would be really interesting--and useful--if someone would come up with a side by side list of perceived equivalent speed and performance for the history of basic Mac, Pentium, and AMD machines. Anything like that around?

coius's picture
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according to my friend

My friend works at a development company. He gave me the specs of 10.5 requirements. It requires an 800Mhz G4 MINIMUM and 512MB ram (1.6Ghz G5 or CoreDuo CPU recommended) which means, the machine should run it. Throw in a Core Image Capable card, and you will be doing just fine. I dunno if they have Core Image capable cards for AGP 4x, but it's worth a shot.
Anyways, if ANYONE was wondering what is required for 10.5, those are the specs.

Anyways, sadly, i never got to play With 10.5 beta (my friend wouldn't let me Sad ) but it sounds like a rock'n system based on pics on the net, and Apple's development meeting and Apple Website. I can't WAIT till it comes out. I will be buying it the day it first peeks it's head.

madmax_2069's picture
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i run 10.4.10 on my Beige G3

i run 10.4.10 on my Beige G3 AIO in my sig. and can do all of what you want to do at a good speed.

A G4 system running at 800mhz will do anything you want to do on the net.

you shouldn't need a high end system to get around on the net ( thanks to adobe flash player you almost do need a high end Mac)

Jon's picture
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Yep, Flash tends to bog down

Yep, Flash tends to bog down the 1.5GHz G4 in my mini. That and Google Earth are the only real CPU hogs for internet software that I use.

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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800MHz 10.4

My wifes running a eMac 700MHz with 384 megs ram and it basicly used as a net surfer (Safari for the browser) E-Mail and a bit of a game player and it works with out issue. 10.4.9 has slowed it down a bit. However a memory upgrade is in the works. It will be running 768megs Ram.

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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macsane a jump to 768mb ra


a jump to 768mb ram will result in a nice little speed boost, when i upgraded my Beige G3 from 300 some odd MB ram to 768mb ram i seen a nice pickup in response in the finder and everything seems allot more snappy.

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