wallstreet computers

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Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Aug 9 2007 - 14:46
Posts: 3
wallstreet computers

i have a wallstreet edition power book G3, interested you can send me a private message to get the details.
i am interested in getting a mac ibook OS10, G3 or G4

alk's picture
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Private Messages

From: sophierose14
To: alk
Subject: wallstreet
Date: August 10, 2007 - 5:15pm

do you know of anyone who wants to buy a wallstreet edition powerbook G3?

if you could inform me of anyone that would be really great.

thank you


It would be wise if you did NOT PM people asking them if they want to buy your Wallstreet or if they know anyone who does. The usual convention (and most polite route) is to wait for people to PM you...

No, I do not want to buy your Wallstreet, nor do I know anyone who does. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from directly PMing me in the future when you have something to sell.


Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Aug 9 2007 - 14:46
Posts: 3
oh really??

well, thank you for your comment, but i really do not think it is any of your business how i sell my computer....!

tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 568
Actually, it is...

It does become others' business how you attempt to sell your computer when you start PM'ing them. I too have received a PM from sophierose14. I don't have anything personally against this person, but imagine if everyone who had something to sell started randomly PM'ing members of this forum. It would create a significant problem.

Perhaps an addition to the FS/WTB stickies that says no one should engage in PM spam?


eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Re: oh really??

well, thank you for your comment, but i really do not think it is any of your business how i sell my computer....!

As moderator, it's my business... and they are correct that you should not be spamming peoples' mailboxes with offers.
The correct procedure is to post it here, as you have now done, then wait for people to contact you.

Please read the posting guidelines for more information.

Perhaps an addition to the FS/WTB stickies that says no one should engage in PM spam?

A good idea, but since this is the first time - as far as I know - that this has happened, I'm hoping it's a one-time deal. if not, then I'll most certainly add it.

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: Aug 9 2007 - 14:46
Posts: 3

most of the messages that i sent were before i knew that there was a forum,
i am sorry for for pming people, i thought that it was the whole idea...i am new here, so thank you for your advice.

when i first arrived here, lots of people messaged me about things that i didn't really care about, but i thought that everyone did that..i am very sorry

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