proxim skyline 802.11b pc card

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ahitchcock's picture
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proxim skyline 802.11b pc card

Or other PC card that will allow me to go wireless with my Lombard. I am running both OS 9 and Os 10.4.9. I am willing to pay a reasonable price just don't plan to skin me. I am setting this computer up to give to my nephew. I will appreciate any alternatives or suggestions about going wireless.

Macinjosh's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: Feb 12 2004 - 13:05
Posts: 212
This should help...

Wifi all the way back to the 540/190. Find a card with that chipset and you're golden; should be able to grab one off of eBay for a song.

I had the Enterasys card I got for just that purpose until about a month ago, when I gave it to a family member for Wifi in their laptop and got myself a Linksys 11g card.

-- Macinjosh

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