I am looking for a decent assembler and/or simulator for 6502/Apple II/II+. I.e. something I can use for testing and debugging of my Apple II+ assembler programs. I guess I want a 6502 assembler plus an emulator which supports loading the full Apple ROM image into memory. A big plus would, of course, be emulation of Apple I/O like display, keyboard, etc.
What are the best choices? (I run windows xp on my PC)
To quote John B. Matthews:
"Much as I love developing for the Apple II, developing on the Apple II can be tedious."
I took a page from John's book and do my assembly on my contemporary computers, and have Apple Commander write the resulting object file to a .dsk image, then run an emulator to boot the .dsk and run the program. I can do it all from the command line, too - I associated .dsk with AppleWin, so just typing the name of the file starts it right up.
There are lots of cross assemblers out there:
SB-Assemlber: http://www.sbprojects.com/sbasm/sbasm.htm
Acme: http://www.esw-heim.tu-clausthal.de/~marco/smorbrod/acme/
And my current favorite, the ca65 assembler, part of the cc65 compiler suite:
Aha, and what is this "Apple Commander"? Where can I get it?
Oops, sorry about that -
You just need the command line version (*-ac.jar). You'll need a Java interpreter callable from your command line if you don't already have it.
John talks about using ac here: