Laserwriter 300 not being recognized in OS 9.1

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Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
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Laserwriter 300 not being recognized in OS 9.1

I picked up two laserwriters a little while ago.. a Personal LW 300 and a LW LS.

The 300 is in nice shape, but the LS looks like garbage and belches out mold stench. I installed the drivers, chooser, all that fun stuff in os 9.1 and hooked up the 300. Nohting worked no matter what combination of ports and appletalk I tried. I was about to give up and accept that it was some mysterious problem with the myriad extensions and control panels I had installed (seeing as how I was NOT willing to do a one-by-one test with disabling things), but then I tried the nasty LS printer. I changed no settings whatsoever, I just swapped cables, and the thing worked first try. It's haggard, and the toner cartridge/barrel is SHOT, so I really want to use the 300.

I'd almost say it was a problem with the 300 itself, but I recall having a 300 in my posession a year or two ago, in near mint condition, to boot.... and I could never get it to work either. It would make it easier if I had an older machine at my disposal to try it with OS 8 or 7.6.1 or something, but I don't right now.

Has anyone had similar problems with the 300 in OS 9? I can't seem to find any info elsewhere online, so I'm at a bit of a loss

GEOS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 334
I have a LW 300 as well. I h

I have a LW 300 as well. I havent used it in ages, but as I recall I had no problems with it being used in OS 9. In fact, I think thats one of the only legacy printers that was recognised by Mac OS X (at least in 10.2 it still worked, idk if this is still true with 10.4).

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Make sure laserwriter8 is in the extensions folder and active. It is one of those extensions that loves to get corrupted.


AG-Wolf's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 136
GEOS: There's part of me that

GEOS: There's part of me that wonders if the printer is just borked, too, of course... and since I can't find any info online about people having problems, I guess it makes that possibility more probable. I'm just hoping it's not the case -_-

Will: the LW8 extension isn't needed for the 300/LS series, I don't think, because they're not postscript or something like that... I had it installed, just to see if it made a difference, and it didn't :/ Curious that it gets corrupted though, that's strange.

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laserwriter 300

Just googled this same problem I've been experiencing and came up with this thread. I have a G3 beige that was working fine. I disconnected it, moved it to the other side of the room, reconnected everything and now it refuses to print. I connected other serial printers and they all worked. Connected other computers to the printer and they all printed. I'm at a loss Sad

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