Adventure "Zak Mc Kracken" for Apple II?

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SchwindS's picture
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Adventure "Zak Mc Kracken" for Apple II?

Hello, in a German Forum to Apple II Games there was a question a few weeks ago.
Was the Game "Zak McKracken" avialable for the Apple II?
Some say they are sure it was. Most people say it was not. Only "Maniac Mansion" was made for the Apple II Computer.
Have anyone screenshots or other hints about "Zak McKracken" on Apple II?


Jon's picture
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I've got a boxed copy for Ami

I've got a boxed copy for Amiga in my basement. If I get time I'll head down and check if it says anything.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Maniac Mansion

was that the same game as what was released for the Nintendo Entertainment Systems? (original, not Super)

SchwindS's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: Feb 24 2007 - 04:06
Posts: 44
Yes, Maniac Mansion was released for NES

Yes, Maniac Mansion was released for the NES. Funny is, that 2 versions released for NES - a Japanese version and a version for the western world with very different grafics. One in the Year 1988 and the other 1990
Other versions were 1987 for Apple II+, Commodore64, IBM PC
1988 NES
1989 Amiga 500 and Atari ST

But I don´t know much about Zak McKracken which was the next Lucasfilm Game. I had it on Commodore64 and on AMIGA 500. I knew versions for Atari ST, IBM PC and Fujitsu FM Towns.
I have hint´s that a version for Apple II+ was planned but never released but I have heard, that some people have played it on Apple II!?!

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