Language warning in the forum thread...
I definitely need to build one of these by Sunday night...
Language warning in the forum thread...
I definitely need to build one of these by Sunday night...
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HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty cool, but glad that kid is not in my 'hood.
Yah Jon better look out, I'm kicking it with him for the 4th of July and every year we vow to blow more **** up than the previous year. I think I'm gonna need to build one of these in the next few days...
Wow. Just wow.
Isn't there a saying about playing with fire while wearing a tank of alcohol on your back...?
Looks like something Dr. Bob would do... ::)
. . . of course the PVC shard would need to transit his left kidney to hit his spleen . . . but that's nit-picking.
I wouldn't even do that with the certified CO2 cylinder from my MIG Rig.
Future Darwin award nominees, please stand up . . .
When I built my potato cannon I'd reached my limit of dangeresque.
A home-made flame thrower. I'm sure we'll read about him again, soon, or at least hear the bang.
Couldn't he use a lantern battery and sparkplug for the ignition?
But that's really cool.
doug-doug the mighty, why is there a picture of Henry Kissinger as your avitar?
i agree!
I've got a friend who accidentally got rather burned playing with fire.
Don't make Napalm in your back yard folks. And, whatever you do, don't ignite the whole bottle and stomp on the thing to try and put it out. It tends to...shoot.
Let's hope this kid lives somewhere near a Shriners' Burn Hospital. He's gonna need it. And he looks young enough to qualify for treatment there.