I've updated and reorganized my TiBooks display repair page. If any of y'all care to stop by and check it out, especially with an eye to spotting mistakes, ommissions or misstatements of fact, that sort of thing, I'd be much obliged if you'd point them out to me here (so i can fix them of course.)
dan k
. . . as you have given me some great tech pointers in the past. However, could you post the URL here? Thanks.
...is always in dankephoto's signature.
Unfortunately, the first post in a thread doesn't display sigs.
(I already read through it. Darn handy info, as usual
dumkopf me, I can't believe I forgot to put in a link!
Thanks eeun, and here's a direct link to the actual page itself.
sigh, that's what I get for staying up and posting late in the evening.
dan k