Printer Sharing OS X to 9

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iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: Mar 1 2004 - 22:18
Posts: 629
Printer Sharing OS X to 9

i'm setting up a mac lab for an art department. they have 5 450mhz sawtooth G4s, all except the one have 384mb RAM, the one has 128mb. 4 are running 10.4.9, the one with 128mb is running 10.3.9. all have airport cards (from a stack of dead clamshell indigo iBooks), and all have 20gb hard drives. then there are the two iMacs. both are running Mac OS 9.0.4. one is a tangerine revision C, I think 333mhz. it has 160mb of ram, and is hooked direcly into an epson 740 (the bondi colored one). the other is an indigo slot load iMac, 64mb of RAM, the model with an airport slot, and the 6th and final airport card from the dead iBooks.

one G4 is hooked to the other printer, an HP deskjet 932c, and it's set up for printer sharing. all other 4 G4s see the printer and can print from it. eventually, the printer will be moved to the other end of the G4s, to the one that is hooked to the wired internet, so I can set up a airport network with printer sharing and internet sharing to all other airport enabled macs (including the OS 9 iMac).

anyways, the only problem is the iMac can't get on the printer network. The way I have it currently, is printer sharing enabled on the one G4 with the deskjet hooked into it. Then I have a computer to computer network created on the deskjet G4. The iMac sees the network in the airport app, but it calls it simply "X". there is also an option to choose a computer to computer network, which is (I think) what I created on the G4.

any way to make it print on the iMac to the G4? I went in the deskjet utility on the OS 9 iMac, and the only options to connect to the deskjet are USB and appletalk. I know there is an option in OS X's sytem prefs network pane to enable appletalk for a particular connection. should I try this?

also, how well would panther run on the tangerine? if it's anything like my B&W or pismo, it would be fine, but i'd like some input on it. Then we can have 4 machines running Adobe CS2, 2 machines running PS 7, and one running PS 6.


-digital Wink

cwsmith's picture
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Re: Printer Sharing OS X to 9

any way to make it print on the iMac to the G4? I went in the deskjet utility on the OS 9 iMac, and the only options to connect to the deskjet are USB and appletalk. I know there is an option in OS X's sytem prefs network pane to enable appletalk for a particular connection. should I try this?

I believe Printer Sharing has to be set up in Classic mode on the G4 (with Classic running in the background). If I'm wrong, please let me know.

also, how well would panther run on the tangerine? if it's anything like my B&W or pismo, it would be fine, but i'd like some input on it. Then we can have 4 machines running Adobe CS2, 2 machines running PS 7, and one running PS 6.

I've posted many a time about my Frankenberry iMac (Blueberry body, Bondi MLB, Strawberry processor), which until I bought more RAM for it, ran Panther on just 96MB RAM (albeit slowly). It now lives happily with 192 MB and Mac OS 10.3.9.

The Strawberry iMac in my wife's office (print server) runs Panther as well, on 160 MB RAM. So I feel in a position of authority and experience to say that your Tangerine should be fine with Panther too.

iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: Mar 1 2004 - 22:18
Posts: 629
well, the only problem with t

well, the only problem with that is there is no more system folder on any of the G4s. yes, they did originally run OS 9, but to conserve space, we decided to delete the system folder. If need be, I can install a stripped down system folder.

I may just keep both iMacs running OS 9, as it works, and that's all that matters. I am more concerned getting printing and programs installed on the last 2 machines, as well as getting them locked down so the kids can't mess them up (again). If I do have time, i'll install panther, but I was just wondering how well the PCI video in revison C iMacs runs in panther. I know it used a diffrent chipset than the stock video card in my B&W, and i've never experienced it.

-digital Wink

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