Ok, here's my problem, I have a Blue & White G3 400 that has a very low end ATi Video card in it, it registers as an XCLAIM with 4mb of memory, I have a spare ATi Rage Pro 128 PCI 16mb video card, but alas, it does not work with my B&W as it is a PC card. soo, I was wondering, can anyone help me find firmware for my 128 Rage Pro, i can't seem to find any for the mac on the net.
Try this link for lots of info and download links for video card firmware:
I guess you have to register now to use their forums but it's the best site on-line that I have seen for flashing cards.
I'm not aware that card is flashable. Didn't ATI use singleshot flashROMs (EEPROMs or similar, IIRC) on cards of that era? That is, they aren't re-writable and thus are not 'flashable'.
Of course, I could be wrong as my doddering old brain may be completely fubared (and not for the first time I'll tell you!)
dan k
ATI Rage Pro 128 PCI? Was there such a thing? Wasn't the Rage 128 Pro an AGP card? Or maybe there was a strictly PC PCI version called that. The 16mb version that came with the B&W's was simply called the Rage 128. Radeon 7000's sell for under $20 these days on the auctions. You might just want to pick one of those up instead of spending time trying to flash. It's a much better card.
I've had examples of both. IIRC, later B&Ws came with the Pro version. Not sure of the diff, couldn't see any in actual use.
Yeah, why bother with a R128 when much faster cards cost so little?
dan k
thank's mactrash! that site is awesome, however i had no luck in flashing my card.
yeah, im thinking about doing that as i didnt have any luck flashing the card. or, i could just wait and get a G4 Quicksilver and give my blue and white's away.